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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Mindy vs Daisuke - Rumble at the Gym!

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Mindy vs Daisuke - Rumble at the Gym! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mindy vs Daisuke - Rumble at the Gym!

Post by Toshokan Fri Jun 05, 2015 8:10 pm

Trying not to get too affected by all the excitement around, Mindy tried to concentrate on the match that had just been thrust upon her. She didn't need much stretching, as her body was already warmed up from her interrupted workout, and one of the girls was quick to bring her some borrowed knee and elbow pads to complement the tank top and shorts that formed her gym outfit. Thus, she was able to spend the moments before the fight watching her opponent, psyching herself up. "Don't get intimidated! He's got a big mouth, that's all!"

The bell finally rang, so she stepped towards the center of the ring while the girls behind her cheered. When Daisuke said he was going to go all out, she just nodded once in response. "Me too, then." Hopefully, this banter would stop once they started fighting for real. Mimicking Daisuke, she assumed a wrestling stance and raised her arms, locking up with him in a collar and elbow grapple.

For a few seconds, Mindy would just circle around in lockstep with Daisuke, face-to-face, muscle against muscle. She soon decided on her next move, though - since this was a spar, she wanted to try out a slightly more aggressive start than usual. Mindy would step in and turn to the side, trying to wrap one arm around the back of Daisuke's head and pull him into a side headlock.

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Mindy vs Daisuke - Rumble at the Gym! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mindy vs Daisuke - Rumble at the Gym!

Post by Teenwrestler Fri Jun 05, 2015 8:44 pm

Both of them were now in the ring, while Daisuke took a few extra minutes to warm up and stretch out for his pre-match exercises, Mindy on the other hand just stared at her opponent while he got ready. After a few moments the bell rang and both wrestlers moved out from their respective corners and assumed a wrestlers crouch position while circling each other for , looking for the perfect opportunity to lunge in and attack. The wrestling prince was first to throw the bait, offering Mindy a lock up which she gladly accepted. Daisuke wanted to see whether all that muscle actually had any strength in them.

The two wrestlers locked up, face to face and muscle to muscle once more but this time it was in a test of strength as the two were locked up in a grapple. Daisuke was never the one to just simply have a match, he always wanted to get under his opponents skin, trying to unnerve them and unsettle them with his usual banter. His teeth was gritted as he let out a grunt during his efforts to push his opponent back and claim victory in the collar and elbow grapple but he soon realized her muscles were not just for show, she was as strong as him- perhaps even stronger!

The wrestling prince pressed into his opponent, trying to push her back but it was mostly a stalemate, the two circling each other around while still in the lock up until Mindy finally decided to pull away and lock him in a side headlock. Daisuke's face pressed against the side of her pecs as she squeezed his head hard against her muscled biceps, putting real pressure on him. Daisuke was feeling quite uncomfortable here with her strength- she had quite a powerful grip.

"Mnngghh, Urgh" he groaned, wriggling against her. His hands initially went up towards her chin to push her head back, before going down and wrapping them around her waist to give her a tight squeeze before summoning all his might to push her up off her feet and try to go down on his back ,taking her down as well as he attempted a simple back drop to slam her down and make her release his head.

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Mindy vs Daisuke - Rumble at the Gym! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mindy vs Daisuke - Rumble at the Gym!

Post by Toshokan Sat Jun 06, 2015 3:15 pm

So far, so good! Daisuke had proven in the lockup that he was physically strong, but it was also very clear that Mindy was more than a match for him in that department. Moreover, her first attack had been a huge success, and now she was able to firmly grind Daisuke's head against her body and biceps. Since their test of strength had taken both of them a bit near the ropes, now that she had some control over him, she wanted to pull him back to the center of the ring to continue her offensive.

But, of course, Daisuke wasn't going to make it easy for her. A hand reached for her chin, trying to push her head to the other side. Mindy opposed it with adamant resistance, focusing on tightening her grip so he'd have no chance of escaping, but the pushing hand was still distracting. "Gh..."

It was enough distraction for Daisuke's next move. Mindy was taken by surprise as the hands suddenly shifted from her chin to her waistline, and before she could react she was thrown in an arc by Daisuke's backdrop. She fell down on her shoulders with a yelp, unfortunately releasing the grip on his head. Trying to shake off the dizziness, she would attempt to roll to her front and get on all fours, hoping to be back on her feet before Daisuke could attack her.

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Mindy vs Daisuke - Rumble at the Gym! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mindy vs Daisuke - Rumble at the Gym!

Post by Teenwrestler Sat Jun 06, 2015 4:50 pm

Both wrestlers were determined to beat each other in every aspect, the first test was the classic test of strength where both wrestlers were pushing and pulling on each others bodies causing them to circle around all over the ring until Mindy managed to take control and push them a little close to the ropes, before deciding to lock in that headlock and dragging the wrestling prince to the middle of the ring, where she would continue squeezing him in her grip. Daisuke moaned and grunted in pain, but had a good counter as he executed it to perfection.

Daisuke arched backwards and lifting his opponent off her feet and dump her down on her back in a simple backsdrop to force her in letting go of his head. A loud *THUD* sound being heard in the gym after their bodies smacked down on the ring canvas, "Urgh, Come here- Im not finished with you" he groaned as he slowly got back up on his feet, seeing Mindy down on all fours.

Daisuke adjusted his briefs a bit before stomping his boot down on her lower back once, before moving behind her, bending down and wrapping his arms around her waist to pull her up on her feet. Now Daisuke would be behind Mindy with his arms wrapped around her waist as he gave her a tight squeeze, continuing to do so as he locked in a waistlock. His head next to hers as his abs grinded against her lower back, with his body pressed against her back. "How about you just give up now?" he hissed, grinning confidently.

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Mindy vs Daisuke - Rumble at the Gym! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mindy vs Daisuke - Rumble at the Gym!

Post by Toshokan Mon Jun 08, 2015 4:46 am

Daisuke's backdrop was just the first serious move of the match, so it didn't take much of a toll on Mindy's endurance, but being flung upside-down did disorient her long enough to give him the edge. While Daisuke was already up, she was still on all fours making her way to standing on one knee. Her hopes of getting up quickly were dashed, as a hard boot from behind hit her lower back while she was down. "Ow!"

Daisuke's next move took her off-guard. With two arms hugging her firmly around her waist, she was hauled to her feet, and suddenly she was in a somewhat compromising position - unable to move freely, with the wrestling prince's body pressing and grinding against her back. "Wha...! sto-"

And then the pressure mounted around her waist - a quick reminder that he was trying to hurt her and nothing else. Good thing he wasn't facing her, or he would have seen in her face how she had been flustered for a moment. "G-giving up from this? That's a joke, right?" Her hands grabbed around Daisuke's wrists, and once she had a decent grip she would pull them outwards at the same time, trying to pry the hold open by muscle power alone!

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Mindy vs Daisuke - Rumble at the Gym! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mindy vs Daisuke - Rumble at the Gym!

Post by Teenwrestler Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:31 pm

The prince was simply brimming in confidence now that he had gotten in a couple of good early moves to unsettle his opponent, taking her down on her back before stomping down on her body and trapping her in a firm waistlock. In truth, he too felt somewhat flustered and this was certainly an awkward position to be in but that's something that you have to look by when wrestling in an intergender wrestling match. His muscular body pressed against her well defined back as he squeezed her tight, asking her for a unlikely submission.

Mindy refused to submit,trying to look tough infront of the crowd. As Daisuke adjusted his grip the boys cheered him on while the girls gave their support to Mindy as she grabbed his wrists and used her strength to pry them apart. "Hmph, thats right. Give up from this, you have no cha-Ugh...S-shit! No...way...Urghh" his confident expression soon gave away as Mindy began to unsettle the prince. Using her strength to force open his grip from around her waist, the girls clapping and cheering her on- tapping the ring apron to fire their girl up as she looked to power out of the submission hold.

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Mindy vs Daisuke - Rumble at the Gym! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mindy vs Daisuke - Rumble at the Gym!

Post by Toshokan Thu Jun 11, 2015 2:22 am

Mindy could already feel Daisuke's grip growing lighter around her waist. If her submission was unlikely before, it was now all but a pipe dream for him, since he was likely struggling to even keep his arms in place! The attention from the girls wasn't bad, either. Even if there were just a few of them, their combined cheer gave Mindy that extra flow of energy to keep breaking Daisuke's hold. "I'll have to talk to them about the noise between rounds, though..." Good thing no one else was working out right now.

But nevermind that for now! It was time to focus on the fight. With a burst of strength, Mindy would flex her muscles one more time to try and break Daisuke's waistlock once and for all. Then, if he didn't back off quickly enough, she would send him some payback in the form of a mean backwards elbow strike to his chest.

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Mindy vs Daisuke - Rumble at the Gym! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mindy vs Daisuke - Rumble at the Gym!

Post by Teenwrestler Thu Jun 11, 2015 2:42 am

Daisuke was struggling to keep a good grip around his opponents waist, it would appear all that muscle was not just for show as Mindy did have some strength in those arms of hers- enough strength to unsettle Daisuke and break his grip off of her. The girls were now cheering while the boys were more concerned.

Daisuke was determined to put Mindy in her place and kept trying to secure his loosened hold but after a quick burst of strength, Mindy broke his submission hold and struck his pecs with a quick elbow strike "Urgh! Owww mnnggh shit" the wrestling prince groaned as he staggered back into the ropes, lightly massaging his chest with his palm to ease the pain, leaving him open for a counter attack if Mindy is fast enough.

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Mindy vs Daisuke - Rumble at the Gym! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mindy vs Daisuke - Rumble at the Gym!

Post by Toshokan Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:33 am

Mindy's success was twofold: not only did she escape from Daisuke's waistlock, but also her elbow hit him at just the right spot, sending the wrestling prince to the ropes. "Cmon man, lock it tighter next time!", said one of the guys, thinking it had just been the case of Daisuke not applying the hold properly. Of course, it was easy for him to say it - he wasn't the one facing the muscle girl's strength firsthand.

Mindy turned around after her strike and saw Daisuke still reeling from it. Thinking quick, she got into a low stance and moved in, using one hand to grab his arm and the other to reach around the back of his leg. If successful, she would then try to pull him a step away from the ropes and lift him onto her own shoulders, in a classic fireman's carry.

Mindy vs Daisuke - Rumble at the Gym! - Page 2 CCMDllrMindy vs Daisuke - Rumble at the Gym! - Page 2 D2ENGvBMindy vs Daisuke - Rumble at the Gym! - Page 2 JnuFSI1
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Mindy vs Daisuke - Rumble at the Gym! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mindy vs Daisuke - Rumble at the Gym!

Post by Teenwrestler Sun Jun 14, 2015 6:19 pm

Daisuke was still staggering back, all the way till his back pressed against the ring ropes. He took a few seconds to recover and massage his rib-cage, hearing the guys egg him on. Daisuke gritted his teeth in anger, in someways they were right with all his toned athletic body he wanted to lock the waistlock on tighter but Mindy was more than a match for him in the strength department. "Damnit" he groaned in frustration, taking his concentration away from the match and his opponent and more to step away to recover.

However, Mindy was clever enough to seize the chance as she came close to Daisuke and grab his arms and legs to hoist him up and over her shoulder in a classic firemans carry. Daisuke wriggled and squirmed on top of her, his legs kicking out in the air as he groaned "Urgghh L-let me go"

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