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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Kent Quick vs Lisa Stryder Handcuff Match (Complete)

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Kent Quick vs Lisa Stryder Handcuff Match (Complete) Empty Kent Quick vs Lisa Stryder Handcuff Match (Complete)

Post by KillerV Fri Aug 31, 2012 7:24 pm

Handcuff Match w/ electric ring ropes
Loser does whatever for the winner,

Kent Quick
Kent Quick vs Lisa Stryder Handcuff Match (Complete) 7697259510_c8f64a5b42_z.jpg


Lisa Stryder
Kent Quick vs Lisa Stryder Handcuff Match (Complete) 7903781012_4ed1868397_z.jpg

He lost against Sarah O' Sullivan and now both are even but... he hoped to face her again to settle the score and completely beat her for good, now he's in another match someone name Lisa Stryder, a new girl apparently and to make things interesting, the match is going to be an handcuff match with electric ring ropes? "Are you kidding me?" He was 'shocked' the fact that this match is going to be intense, doesnt mind about the electric ropes but if he loses to the new girl, it would drives him nuts for sure. He got changed into something a little different than usual, brown military boots, grey/blue khaki pants, matching color vest as well a cap and fingerless gloves to wear, dressed more like a military thug but he likes his new looks, more kick ass than his other attire, putting on his sunglasses as he's ready for the roughest match he have ever been in, or so he thinks.

Out on the stage with his usual theme playing, golden glitters showing behind him before walking down the ring, people booing at him cause is small reputation of being an Heel, shrugs off at the crowd before heads up to the ring and slides right in, moving to the corner to look out at the stage, waiting for this Lisa girl.... which reminds him of the other Lisa he wrestled long long ago, wondering what shes up to.... but in any case, he would love to see how this girl looks and willing to bend her all the way.

Last edited by 6075 on Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:19 am; edited 3 times in total

KillerV- Character Select

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Kent Quick vs Lisa Stryder Handcuff Match (Complete) Empty Re: Kent Quick vs Lisa Stryder Handcuff Match (Fairygirl)

Post by FairyGirl Fri Aug 31, 2012 8:31 pm

Lisa knew that she was jumping right into the fire. She had heard some rumors about Kent Quick when she heard who her opponent was going to be. But there was no backing down. If she was afraid to face her first opponents then what was the point of even signing up. So although she heard warnings from her friend Sarah about this guy, she would just have to push on ahead and do what she could against him. It was quite the intense match though when she thought about it. Handcuffs and even inside of an electrified ring. She'd have to stay in the middle or take shocks on top of hard hits. Since this wasn't going to be some soft match she went out there in her tight mini-shorts and a green top. She'd need the maneuverability in this kind of match. If she could get some good hits in and then slap on the handcuffs that'd be the match.

Hearing her music the girl raced on out there. Lisa wasn't going to relax or hide out. All she could do was give her all and take the consequences of that. At least she could be guaranteed to have a chance to test her limits. Looking ahead she could spot her opponent "a military fanatic?" She asked herself as she continued to move on in knowing the moment she slipped inside and the cuffs were tossed into opposite corners the ring would be turned on and there would be no turning back. Regardless she knew perfectly well how serious this guy was so she'd have to give her all right from the beginning.

"So hear you like taking things too far." She greeted her opponent making it clear he wouldn't fool her about his intentions in this match. Regardless she made it to her corner and waited for the start.

Fairy World Characters

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Kent Quick vs Lisa Stryder Handcuff Match (Complete) Empty Re: Kent Quick vs Lisa Stryder Handcuff Match (Fairygirl)

Post by KillerV Sat Sep 01, 2012 1:56 am

Kent waiting for a hot babe to enters the ring to face him in this dangerous yet amazing match, this girl Lisa should be perfect for his craving and once she makes an entrance, he could see her wearing plain yet sexy outfit, simple green top and that sexy tight tight mini-shorts would love to check out her ass and in between her legs too, once she enters the ring, he grins while scanning her physic body which he have dirty minds of how he would bend her in every ways, his hand under his chin rubbing while thinking of something painful to her, she cleared his mind of focus when she speaks to him.

"Taking things too far? Who would say such a thing my sweet, little... angel?" Moving up closer to her just staring down at that hot chick, he would love to do things she wouldnt imagine, and then he backs up a little bit before the bell rings, he knows those ropes are activated for some hard shock treatments, also with the handcuffs were in the corners waiting for them to use at anytime, he wouldnt use it as a weapon her, his weapons is his strength to bend any ladies for his pleasure.

"Lets get started shall we?" Once the bell rings, he moves out with his hands up slowly circling around her while keeping a good distance away from the ropes, trying to find any opening that he could take advantage of, he knows locking up with her would be pointless so instead he tries to grapple her and hopes to pull her head down to get it under his left arm to lock it in.

KillerV- Character Select

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Kent Quick vs Lisa Stryder Handcuff Match (Complete) Empty Re: Kent Quick vs Lisa Stryder Handcuff Match (Fairygirl)

Post by FairyGirl Sat Sep 01, 2012 2:06 am

Lisa just didn't have a great feeling about this whole thing when seeing the expression on that guy's face. It seemed like he was thinking something pretty nasty as even with the whole crowd cheering she could just feel his eyes on her form. Though it was hardly anything unexpected from what she heard from Sarah the girl knowing just how dangerous this guy could be if she didn't take him seriously.

"Oh don't worry I've heard plenty. Including a very interesting apology show you had to give." Lisa trying to throw him off his game. Since she just felt a shiver going down her spine every time he looked over at her. She never hated having a stipulation more than right now. Lisa knew she absolutely couldn't afford to lose to this guy. So at this point all she could do was take him down. Grab the cuffs and win the match, that's all she could do.

"I'm more than ready to get started." She replied with a smile ready to get to it. Carefully she moved herself feeling like she was being stalked with that circling. She couldn't afford to use the ropes so the best plan she could think of was to get in close and work on rapid strikes. Just weaken him up long enough to garb the handcuffs. Seeing him try to set up the grapple Lisa didn't want any part of it. Nodding to herself she took a half step to the right before trying to leap in and catch him surprise. She had to find a way past those hands to deliver a flurry of punches to his stomach. If there wasn't any chance she'd try to just stay clear of him and avoid getting pulled in.

Fairy World Characters

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Kent Quick vs Lisa Stryder Handcuff Match (Complete) Empty Re: Kent Quick vs Lisa Stryder Handcuff Match (Fairygirl)

Post by KillerV Sat Sep 01, 2012 2:53 am

With Kent grinning at that girl but she mention about him 'apologizing' it turn his grin into disgusted face, remembering about it really humiliating and embarrassing, lost against that girl Sarah... **Sarah, that damn bitch, gonna get her back soon!... Wait... does this girl know her? Bah how could she?** He backs off and ready to take her on, once the bell rings he goes in for the attack.

He tries to grab at her head so he can lock her down under his arm but, this girl avoids getting grabbed and pounding her fists to his hard abs which it doesnt hurt that much but he talks after taking few blows to cover up the little pain he felt. "Heh... that tickles..." rubbing his midsection as this Lisa backs off away from him.

It was unfortunately for Kent unable to react fast enough to grab her so its back to the beginning. "Think you'll get away that easily?!" He tries to lunge at her holding to grab a hold of that cute girl but this time, it isnt going to be a grapple hold but instead, he tries to swing his strong left arm hoping to catch her off guard with a clothesline. "Hurgh!"

KillerV- Character Select

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Kent Quick vs Lisa Stryder Handcuff Match (Complete) Empty Re: Kent Quick vs Lisa Stryder Handcuff Match (Fairygirl)

Post by FairyGirl Sat Sep 01, 2012 2:59 am

Well at least Lisa could chuckle a bit at his expression going sour there when she mentioned the apologizing. Deciding not to cause Sarah any trouble though by mentioning her. Considering it was such a public event the connection wasn't too likely to be made anyways long as she didn't say anything. Regardless Lisa had more important things to do right now, like winning this match.

It was a bit frustrating to have him not reacting too much to the punches. Though Lisa had faith that enough small blows would start to add up. If Sarah could bring this guy down then she could. After all it wouldn't even be that hard since she just had to get those handcuffs on and she'd win like that.

At least Lisa was getting some punches in. Stepping in to deliver a few more before backing away. She saw him lunging in again trying to sidestep thinking it would be the same kind of thing. Instead she saw a arm coming right at her and took the clothesline head on. "Ow!" Lisa cried out taking that hit and falling right onto her rear on the mat. "Ugh that hurt..." She shook her head knowing she couldn't stay down against this guy. Trying to hurry to her feet so she could back away from him.

Fairy World Characters

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Kent Quick vs Lisa Stryder Handcuff Match (Complete) Empty Re: Kent Quick vs Lisa Stryder Handcuff Match (Fairygirl)

Post by KillerV Sat Sep 01, 2012 3:08 am

Kent was a little cocky right now when she didnt hurt him too much against his hard abs, but still he couldnt let her get away with it as he goes in to swing his arm right at her to knock her down to the mat, or at least she dropped to her bottom and trying to scramble away from him. "Oh no you dont, you're gonna apologize to my abs!"

Rubbing his stomach, feeling that abs hard but slightly soften by her punches, he tries to get a hold one of her ankles to drag her to the center of the ring before hoping to scoop her up from behind and lift up against his chest while showing off his strength to the crowd, if she doesnt do anything horrible to him, he then going to try lifting her up a bit high and dropping her down right over his knee with her stomach first, a bit of payback. "Hurgh!"

Kent wanted to see her suffer as much she could before she gets a taste of those electrical ropes that would surely wore her down, with her drape over his knee, he would look at her sweet ass and giving couple spanks to humiliate her in front of people and to Kent. "Woooo! Nice!"

KillerV- Character Select

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Kent Quick vs Lisa Stryder Handcuff Match (Complete) Empty Re: Kent Quick vs Lisa Stryder Handcuff Match (Fairygirl)

Post by FairyGirl Sat Sep 01, 2012 3:17 am

It was a rough landing to the ring, but it wasn't like Lisa had time to think hard about it. While groaning she still tried to scramble knowing this guy wasn't the type to give her a ton of time to rest and relax. Her only hope was to keep on hitting him with everything she could muster.

"H-hey!" She gasped getting her ankle grabbed and dragged into the middle of the ring. Not that the ropes were much for safety, but still it didn't mean she wanted to be in that position. "Uhhh let me go!" Lisa squirmed harder in his grip though unable to fully get out of it before he dropped her right down on his knee. The impact knocking some air out of her. "Guh..." Lisa coughed and trying to suck some air back into her lungs. As expected Kent delivered a lot of blunt hits when given the chance to.

When she felt the hand slapping down on her ass Lisa jumped even while trying to get all that air back. "Kya! Hey knock it off!" Lisa groaned blushing as she was embarrassed at being in this position. The girl trying to squirm and crawl off his knee before this got any more humiliating.

Fairy World Characters

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Kent Quick vs Lisa Stryder Handcuff Match (Complete) Empty Re: Kent Quick vs Lisa Stryder Handcuff Match (Fairygirl)

Post by KillerV Sat Sep 01, 2012 3:28 am

Kent was able to grab hold of her ankle and dragging her more towards to the center of the ring, and after that he scoops her up against his chest wit her back and dropping down with her stomach first right over his knee, knocking the wind out of her. "Ohhhh that gotta hurt!... But I'll make you feel better with this though!"

With her butt sticking out, he slaps her fine curved butt which makes her cried out from the humiliations, he does it few more slaps before letting her off his knee just to messed with her, he then pose flexing his hard muscles in a very cocky way. "HA! How'd you like that?! Im sure you love it, all ladies does!"

He actually giving her a chance to get up and rub her behind before he gets ready for another throw down, hands up in front of him as he close in towards to Lisa and hoping to get his left hand hoping to grab her by the top part of her front shirt, so he could raise it up a little bit and using his free hand to chop it hard across her fine breasts, wanted to feel how soft it is to cushion from his blow. "Grrr!"

KillerV- Character Select

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Kent Quick vs Lisa Stryder Handcuff Match (Complete) Empty Re: Kent Quick vs Lisa Stryder Handcuff Match (Fairygirl)

Post by FairyGirl Sat Sep 01, 2012 3:36 am

Each slap just made Lisa's rear a bit more sore and the rest of her even more embarrassed. The last thing she wanted was to be made a fool of by this guy. So when she finally got a chance to scamper off his knee she took it whether it was part of his intentions or not. Blushing hard and looking completely frustrated she was starting to get why this guy was so disliked. "Only people in your delusions would like that." She replied ready to get some payback the moment she had an opening.

Rubbing her behind for a moment she turned ready to face him though he was moving in rather quickly. "Hey!" She complained as her top got grabbed to her surprise, even worse was him lifting that top upwards. "I said....ahhh!" She gasped when he just delivered a powerful chop to her breasts feeling them shaking from the strength of the strike. "You!" She cried out in frustration striking to hit his side with the strongest kick she could muster. Grabbing onto the arm that had her shirt and trying to hang on to keep on kicking at him losing her cool for a moment there.

Fairy World Characters

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Kent Quick vs Lisa Stryder Handcuff Match (Complete) Empty Re: Kent Quick vs Lisa Stryder Handcuff Match (Complete)

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