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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Post by kerflubble Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:40 pm

Adrian paced around nervously in the private gym owned by the Northman family. She had spent a lot of time here but for once she wasn't dressed to train. She was just waiting for someone important. A camera lying by the weight benches with a tri-pod set up near the ring being the only clues as to what she was up to before she spoke out to what seemed like an empty room.

"Becks?" She called out, pulling out her phone.

"Yes?" Came the deep reply behind a closed door. Her now official girlfriend: the amazon enforcer was busy in one of the changing rooms attached.

"You okay?" She asked nervously, looking towards the door.

"Just finished." was the quick reply before the door opened and Adrian's jaw hit the floor

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"wow..." the cosplayer breathed. Rebecca looked like a whole new person. Although she favoured tank tops and shorts when working out, showing off a lot of her powerful 6'4" 225lb frame, this was... amazing. The cosplayer slowly walked up to her, hands wandering up her intimidatingly large thighs. The Outfit leaving very little to the imagination. Adrian knew how big her friend was but seeing her in such a skimpy outfit always sent shivers down her spine.

"H-hey! That tickles." The dark skinned amazon chuckled, looking down at the awe-stricken cosplayer.

"Sorry!" She said, taking her hand away from how close it was getting to her trunks "So...we ready?"

"Bring her on." Rebecca said with authority, stepping up and into the ring while Adrian sent a quick text

"Got A little surprise for you down in the gym. Bring ring gear. <3 Addy"

Adrian Kytes (Heel) Outspoken All-Rounder
Rebecca Tomko (Tweener/Heel) Amazon Enforcer
Sabine Shanoa (Face/Tweener) Dancing Succubi
Tina Armstrong (Face) Blue-Eyed Superstar
Yelena Turova (Face) Crushing Powerhouse
Pantha (Face) Pride of the Jungle
Anna Silver (Face) Ardent Angel
The Green Empire The Empress & Imperial Guard.
Mara Jingfei (Face) Amethyst Dancer

Posts : 7393
Join date : 2011-04-25

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Post by LunarWolf Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:55 pm

Cecilia felt he phone vibrate in her her pocket, he took her phone up and check the text, a slightly confused look on her face, Cecilia wasn't sure what was going on, but she wanted to find out, Adrian text was vague but if it wasn't then it wouldn't be a surprise after all, Cecilia stepped up from her couch and walked into her room, taking out her ring gear, she figured she would go a bit lighter today, not wanting to mess with her standard attire, so she put on her secondary one, the military themed top and skirt and then began to head out of the room and walk down towards the elevator.

[url=]Music[/url:3tjyr9xg] played out of the elevator as Cecilia leaned against the wall with phone in hand, and listened to the music, when she finally reached down to the bottom floor she looked around in her own personal gym and then smirked as she saw Rebecca and Adrian, " Becky! Addy! " Cecilia shouted out with a smile as she began to walk up towards the two and then let out an impressive whistle as she looked Rebecca up and down with hunger in her eyes, she licked her lips and said " Wow..I got to tussle with that ?" Cecilia said as she went up to Adrian and gave her a semi hug and said, " Don't worry, I won't bust your sex partner up to much Addy"

" So Becky! ready to get your but kicked ?"


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Post by kerflubble Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:20 am

"Hi Cec!" Gah! Why did Cec have to wear so little today? Doesn't her ring gear normally cover more than this? Wait, no. This is fine. Don't fuck it up! Adrian's mind was racing away when the Queen of the North came down to thier own little training centre

"Yeah, aren't you lucky?" Rebecca said, taking full notice of how Cecilia was looking at her. "Thought I'd try out some of the gear Adrian made for me, and I haven't used this ring nearly enough. So... thought we'd see how it holds up." The amazon said, before Cecilia went and turned Adrian's face a nice shade of pink

"GAH!" Adrian yelped, backing away from Cecilia to go set up the tripod and camera "R-rules! Rules for tonight!" She stuttered.

"See, I need to get better at submissions, and well... a little grappling practice isn't hard to go for, figured we might learn something if we went back and watched our own stuff as well which is why we've got the camera there."
the now silver-haired giant explained to Cecilia "And no other reason!" Adrian quickly added "So how about no strikes, submissions only?" She suggested, not expecting to be refused as she bent over the top rope to make herself look even taller "You can try to kick my ass, just be warned: It' s not gonna end well for you."

Adrian Kytes (Heel) Outspoken All-Rounder
Rebecca Tomko (Tweener/Heel) Amazon Enforcer
Sabine Shanoa (Face/Tweener) Dancing Succubi
Tina Armstrong (Face) Blue-Eyed Superstar
Yelena Turova (Face) Crushing Powerhouse
Pantha (Face) Pride of the Jungle
Anna Silver (Face) Ardent Angel
The Green Empire The Empress & Imperial Guard.
Mara Jingfei (Face) Amethyst Dancer

Posts : 7393
Join date : 2011-04-25

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Post by LunarWolf Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:02 am

Cecilia looked on at Adrian as she seemed a bit startled by her appearance, Cecilia had only worn this outfit twice in her career at AFW, once in her match against Sarah Gatt and a second time in a match against Brittany at the winter PPV Avalanche, and since she didn't want to mess around with her usual outfit for a simple spar, she decided that it was best to just use this for the match.

" Well you look absolutely delicious" Cecilia said with a smile as she looked Rebecca up and down and just had to lick her lips again, of course she was joking a little whit the whole sexual talk, all to tease Rebecca and Adrian after all, Cecilia did have fun when it came to teasing Adrian at least, Rebecca she would just have to settle for kicking the girls ass and show her how far she had come since they stared training together.

" Hmmm sounds like fun, but I have one condition! the shall match includes pin fall! I want the joy of having you under me for three seconds before I win, only way to win will be via Pin fall or submission, no KO, you okay with that Becky?" Cecilia said with a smirk as she began to move up and into the ring, smirking at Rebecca, " if so then I agree to a little grappling with the almighty Becky ! " Cecilia said teasingly as she stuck her tongue out to Rebecca, " Back when we started these things Becks...we tied, today we will have a winner! agreed ? " Cecilia said with pretty fierce determination as she glared at Rebecca and waited to see how Rebecca wanted to start out this little unofficial match/training they were going to have.

Last edited by 2237 on Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:21 am; edited 1 time in total


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Post by kerflubble Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:50 am

"So either you submit to me or get crushed underneath me. Deal." The Amazon agreed, locking glares with Cecilia. She always enjoyed her sparring sessions with Cecilia. They were great to blow of steam and improve her own skills, but this one. This one was going to be special, she could feel it. The hungry glares, the intensity of the atmosphere: the amazon had never felt this excited for a spar before.

"Okay, ready... steady..." Adrian said, putting the finishing touches to her camera work before pressing the record button "Go!" She shouted, Rebecca taking the initiative to charge into a lock up with Cecilia, attempting to just overwhelm her friend.

Adrian Kytes (Heel) Outspoken All-Rounder
Rebecca Tomko (Tweener/Heel) Amazon Enforcer
Sabine Shanoa (Face/Tweener) Dancing Succubi
Tina Armstrong (Face) Blue-Eyed Superstar
Yelena Turova (Face) Crushing Powerhouse
Pantha (Face) Pride of the Jungle
Anna Silver (Face) Ardent Angel
The Green Empire The Empress & Imperial Guard.
Mara Jingfei (Face) Amethyst Dancer

Posts : 7393
Join date : 2011-04-25

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Post by LunarWolf Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:56 am

Cecilia smirked and shook her head a little, " Don't get delusional Becky " Cecilia said with a smirk as she and Rebecca traded glares, both of them knew that this was far more than just a normal spar, it was as close to a match as anything and both of them wanted to win and prove that they were better, they both knew that and they both knew that the other knew it as well, Cecilia waited as Adrian got them ready and then called the start for the match.

Rebecca came rushing in towards her and Cecilia moved up to lock up with Rebecca, both girls meeting in the center as their strong muscles flexed while they pushed against each other, Cecilia soon began to get pushed back, one foot at a time and slowly as well as she was able to hold up pretty well against the Amazon, " always Becks" Cecilia let out as she knew she could keep going like this and would attempt to alter their situation a bit, as she tried to grab onto Becks and place a foot against her strong gut before attempting to fall back and throwing the Amazon over her with a type of Monkey flip, it had been done to her so many times that she figured it was time that she got a use out of it.


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Post by kerflubble Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:11 am

Rebecca slowly but surely felt herself pushing the strong Swede back "Remember... when you used to struggle with just one hand?" She asked. While she hadn't lost any strength from her sculpted form, just how strong Cecilia had gotten was impressive but it wasn't enough to beat the dark skinned amazon in a contest of strength. Still, all her strength didn't prevent her being flipped over with a grunt as Rebecca tried to get onto at least her knees before trying to grab Cecilia then

Adrian Kytes (Heel) Outspoken All-Rounder
Rebecca Tomko (Tweener/Heel) Amazon Enforcer
Sabine Shanoa (Face/Tweener) Dancing Succubi
Tina Armstrong (Face) Blue-Eyed Superstar
Yelena Turova (Face) Crushing Powerhouse
Pantha (Face) Pride of the Jungle
Anna Silver (Face) Ardent Angel
The Green Empire The Empress & Imperial Guard.
Mara Jingfei (Face) Amethyst Dancer

Posts : 7393
Join date : 2011-04-25

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Post by LunarWolf Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:20 am

Cecilia smiled as she managed to throw Rebecca back and quickly got up to one knee to face the Amazon, she looked on at her as the big dark skinned girl came at her with those python like arms, Cecilia didn't shy away, she knew that she had grown a lot over the past few months, and that she had managed to become stronger, faster and more skilled than she was back when she began, she had her friends to thank and herself as well as she had worked so hard to train, to beat Gatt to fight for her friends and try to overcome what some people doubted that she could ever pull off.

Cecilia tried to lock up with Rebecca while they were on their knees and tried to move around so that she would be able to try and get Becks down on her front and attempt to snatch up her arm locking her arms around it as she tried to go for a arm lock on the big strong Amazon, " I remember, I still managed to Tie with you !" Cecilia said with a smile of her lips as she tried to lock in the hold.


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Post by kerflubble Wed Feb 22, 2012 12:54 pm

Rebecca growled as Cecilia shot back and trapped her arm in a Fujiwama armbar. Submissions were not really the Amazon's strong point, which was kind of why she wanted to practice grappling with the talented Swede. Plus the handicap of not being able to punch out of situations would make it all the more satisfying when she did beat Cecilia, but first she had to get out of this.

pushing herself up to her knees while the Queen of the North tried to force her down, she tried to roll over, flipping both her and Cecilia onto her back, and in a better position to break free of the arm lock. Not the best of starts, but an exciting one to her.

Adrian Kytes (Heel) Outspoken All-Rounder
Rebecca Tomko (Tweener/Heel) Amazon Enforcer
Sabine Shanoa (Face/Tweener) Dancing Succubi
Tina Armstrong (Face) Blue-Eyed Superstar
Yelena Turova (Face) Crushing Powerhouse
Pantha (Face) Pride of the Jungle
Anna Silver (Face) Ardent Angel
The Green Empire The Empress & Imperial Guard.
Mara Jingfei (Face) Amethyst Dancer

Posts : 7393
Join date : 2011-04-25

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Post by LunarWolf Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:05 pm

Cecilia managed to get back onto Rebecca and wrench that arm back into a fujiwara armbar, she smiled as she did and watched Rebecca struggled a little, Cecilia was a hell of a grappler, with a very good balance of submisson moves and powerhouse moves, which was why she thought that Rebecca wanted to have this little grappling and submission contest, she wanted to learn how to combat them and try to become better, which was a thing that Cecilia also had been trying to do for a long time, just to grow and become better.

But this wasn't just about getting better, it was being used to put the first mark on their rivalry, in this little spar their would be a winner and no tie, which mean that one of them would come up on top, the question was only who that was, Cecilia smiled when she felt Rebecca start rolling and she rolled along with Rebecca and landed on her back with a thud, still holding onto Rebecca's arm, she would attempt a switch around the hold and attempt to drape her legs over Rebecca's chest so that she could try and go for another arm bar submission hold, give Rebecca a little taste of what she was facing.


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