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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Post by Daaharu Sat Oct 13, 2018 12:55 am

Continued from here

Milana was dying for a nice, cold shower to cool off after a grueling AFW debut against Belinda Northman. Wash off all that sweat, both hers and Belinda's, that she was coated with, and then make her way home and get into a hot bath for the next hour or two. Listen to music and let the adrenaline slowly dissipate. She would bet Belinda was thinking about doing the same thing, and any delay in their post-match rituals was going to be pretty rough for them both.

But Milana liked Belinda. She felt like the two of them could actually be friends, even after just the one match, and in a way that would feel like fate. The reason why she would reveal to Belinda now, just in the interest of being as transparent as possible. No reason to let it go and let Belinda be blindsided about it sometime later.

Milana groaned as the two of them lumbered backstage and sat down on a bench in the main locker room. She was building this up to be bigger than it needed to be. This was a small thing, really. But it made a difference in how the two of them would interact, so she might as well put it out there. Actually, it was probably more funny than anything, especially in light of the way the two of them put each other down on the canvas with those twin uppercuts, right near the end of the fight.

"Damn, I don't think I will be walking for the next day or two..." Milana would say, as she rubbed at one of the legs which had nearly been pulled off in Belinda's Lunar Eclipse! She looked over to the blue-clad blonde. "That was a good match, though. Truly, one of the best I've ever been in."

Point of Clarification QxKLrPK

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Post by LunarWolf Mon Oct 15, 2018 11:30 pm

Belinda and Milana helped each other over towards the locker room as they would make they way into the locker room and seat each other down on the main bench in the locker room, groaning out a bit as she tried to stretch and arch her back a little, the blond would look over at her newfound friend and rival.

" do pack a mean right hook, gonna need an ice pack or something." Belinda let out as she would chuckle a little and look on at Milana, watching her rub at her leg and then look back up at the blond. " I'm glad, felt like I should give you all I had considering it was your debut." Belinda spoke out as she would move her hand up and nudge her fist against Milana's chin/cheek in a teasing manner.

It had been quite a rough match, truly an even bout between two fairly equal combatants.


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Post by Daaharu Tue Oct 16, 2018 12:53 am

As much as she was hurting, Milana actually chuckled and blushed a bit as Belinda's fist very lightly crashed into her cheek, pushing in some of the fat there and nudging her head slowly to the side. She would bring her own fist up and gently, carefully nudge Belinda's face in return, setting up what looked like a freeze frame of one of the cross-counters which had occurred during the fight. "You've a pretty potent punch, yourself. Though I dare say I was at a disadvantage going into the fistfight portion and still managed to battle you to a draw in that..."

Their fists still pressed against each other's faces—Milana actually kind of liked the feeling of that pale, Swedish fist making contact with her skin, so she didn't bother to pull hers away. Her heartbeat was still quick, but as she caught her breath and finally got a chance to relax, it was gradually slowing down, and the adrenaline was leeching out of her system.

"So, just one quick thing that I felt as though I owed you," Milana would begin. "I promise this is not anything particularly worrisome or strange, honest. But I know a bit more about you than you do about me. You've been here for years, after all. And your sister, Cecilia, as well, is quite the preeminent personality, isn't she?"

Point of Clarification QxKLrPK

Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

Officially caught up to my AFW replies as of January 23, 2021.

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Post by LunarWolf Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:47 am

Belinda would look at the woman as Milana brought her fist up and pressed it against the side of her face, them being locked in a cross counter-like freeze frame for a moment as Milana spoke out her words. " Disadvantage huh?....That does just make you more impressive I'd say." Belinda let out with a little chuckle, it wouldn't be very long before Milana started to talk about something else though.

In turn, Belinda would retract her arm and bring it down to her side. She would look on at Milana and listen to what she had to say. Hearing that Milana knew a bit more about her than Belinda knew about Milana. That was something she had already figured though, considering that she was a pretty famous wrestler here in AFW now... " Yeah, I guess you could say that....she is the Friction World Champ of course. So I guess she's as preeminent as it gets." Belinda said as she would shake her head a little and then smile towards Mialana.


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Post by Daaharu Tue Oct 16, 2018 9:54 pm

Milana chuckled, gradually bringing her fist down a few seconds after Belinda had done the same. It was nice to relax like this after such an intense match. And Belinda was so much nicer than she had imagined going into the night. It put Milana at ease, in a strange place, in a strange, new country. "I suppose you're right. Though might I say, you are much cuter than your sister is," Milana would point out, giving the blonde a wink.

"So, while I do have wrestling experience back home, in London, I have to imagine under normal circumstances they would not have put me up against such an experienced veteran for my first match. Not that I can't keep up with you—because I know I'll get the better of you the next time we meet—but simply because that is not how it is usually done, yes?" Milana would spread her hands as she explained everything. "But when the management saw my full profile, well, they couldn't resist suggesting this match. And even though it might not have meant quite the same thing to me as it did to them, well, I saw the appeal. And you were, of course, a very intriguing opponent."

Milana thought about dragging this whole explanation out longer, but she figured she had been obscure about it long enough, and she was making something big out of a very small thing, really. "So, I've always just gone by Milana in the wrestling world. Primarily because I didn't want to be judged by my full name. Which is Milana Brock."

Point of Clarification QxKLrPK

Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

Officially caught up to my AFW replies as of January 23, 2021.

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Post by LunarWolf Fri Oct 19, 2018 12:24 am

Belinda let out a little chuckle at Milana's words, she would nod her head and smile at her friendly rival as she would then pat that shoulder of the ebony skinned woman. " Well thank you...heh, I don't even try to be." Belinda let out jokingly as she would smile towards the raven haired woman.

When Milana started to speak out a bit more as to why she had been chosen to face of against Belinda, the Swede would look on at the young woman. She would smirk and then shrug her shoulders. " Sure, but I won't make it easy for you." Belinda let out as the comment that she thought she would get the better of the Swede next time they fought.

She continued to listen to the words of the red clad woman, she would listen on to more of what she had to say. When she listened and heard that Milana's full name was Milana Brock, Belinda would let out a loud, " Ooooooooh!" She would shake her head a little. " That explains a lot...." Belinda said as she would then look on at Milana, giving a quiet moment before she would nudge her her shoulder against Milana's, " I won't judge you by your sister if you don't judge me by mine." Belinda said sheepishly as she would stick her tongue out at Milana.


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Post by Daaharu Sat Oct 20, 2018 6:49 am

Milana felt kind of silly making such a big deal out of telling Belinda who her sister was. But she kept it secret for a reason—something more than just giving her the opportunity to make big, dramatic reveals to the sisters of her sister's archrivals. She could trust Belinda, though. She could feel it, and, when she finally did get around to spilling the beans, the blonde rewarded that faith in her with a surprised, but measured and very understanding, response.

As Belinda nudged her, Milana would chuckle and press her shoulder back against her new friend. "I imagine the crowd might have been more hyped at the beginning of the fight if they knew this was technically the sixth Northman-Brock matchup, rather than just a veteran taking on some random rookie...though they probably would have been expecting the cross-counter, considering."

As Belinda stuck her tongue out, Milana's husky chuckles turned into girlish giggles, and she would shake her head. "I don't think either of us has that much in common with her sister. You have a deal, there, Belinda." Milana would stick out her right hand, offering Belinda a handshake. "Oh, and if you could, I would appreciate you keeping this to yourself...not that I expect to keep Odessa from finding out I'm here, or even that I don't want to see her. But I like to keep that small bit of separation."

Point of Clarification QxKLrPK

Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

Officially caught up to my AFW replies as of January 23, 2021.

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Post by LunarWolf Sat Oct 20, 2018 3:04 pm

Belinda would lean a bit against Milana as her friendly rival did the same with her, leaning shoulders against one another as Belinda would listen to what Milana had to say. " Yeah, probably....I mean it would be rather predictable that it would come down to a cross counter..." Belinda said as she would stick out her tongue again at Milana.

When her friend asked her to keep things a bit secret, Belinda would nod her head, moving her hand up towards the back of Milana, giving it a soft pat as she would then bring that hand up right to the back of Milana's raven colored hair, looking to slide her fingers through those locks and start to ruffle the woman's hair.

" know... I'm surprised it isn't white?..." Belinda would ponder to herself out loud as she looked at Milana's hair.


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Post by Daaharu Thu Jul 04, 2019 9:35 pm

Milana was somewhat surprised when the blonde reached up into her hair and began to ruffle it, wondering out loud why the hair wasn't white. The younger Brock sister blushed at all of the touching of her scalp, her face taking on a slightly reddish hue. Her own arms would wrap into a somewhat shy position around her bare belly, hands clasping at elbows.

"Mm...well...mum and Odessa have white hair, but it just isn't my look..." she would say, a little embarrassed.

Mere seconds after the mention of Milana's older sister, the heavy doors of the locker room would swing open and Odessa, dressed casually in a floral blouse and a pair of white hot pants, would step inside, obviously knowing her way around the facility as she stepped down the main corridor between the many rows of lockers until she found the two freshly-exhausted wrestlers. "Milly! Why didn't you tell me you were going to be in Tokyo? Or, for that matter, in the arena battling it out with your own little Northman?" she asked.

Milana shrugged and scratched at her arms. "I'm not going to make that big a deal out of one match...and I supposed you would learn about it yourself..."

Last edited by Daaharu on Mon Jul 15, 2019 12:44 am; edited 2 times in total

Point of Clarification QxKLrPK

Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

Officially caught up to my AFW replies as of January 23, 2021.

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Post by LunarWolf Sun Jul 14, 2019 1:27 pm

Belinda would slowly pull her hand away from that hair of Milana as the woman adopted a bit more shy posture, hearing how she spoke out in a bit of an embarrassed manner. The Swede would simplyy respond with a nod of her head and a friendly smile. " I guess that's true, you really fit with dark hair." Belinda let out.

Though a mere second or so after her words, the door swung open and with it none other than Odessa Brock came into the locker room! Dressed as fashionably as ever, the white haired bombshell walked up towards the two young wrestlers. Belinda would snicker a bit at the cute nickname of Milana. She didn't imagine that she was called Milly by her sister but it was very adorable.

It didn't take long after Odessa's entrance before Cecilia would casually stroll in after her. Dressed in a pair of denim jeans, a v-neck t-shirt, which showed just a bit of clevage of the blond, her hair tied up into a high ponytail as she walked in next to Odessa, arms folded up behind her own head. She would nod her head a bit to the two young wrestlers. " It was a great match to watch, You both did a good job. Especially you Bel, showing once again how superior a Northman is to a Brock." Cecilia teased as she threw a glance over towards her rival.


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