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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Fateful Reunion

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Fateful Reunion Empty Fateful Reunion

Post by LunarWolf Sat Jun 16, 2018 9:25 pm

Fateful Reunion BOyHklm

Himiko found herself a sort of a newbie event, a gathering of some of the prospected talent for the company, Himiko was one of those who had been signed, a talent that they were expecting a lot from, the Amaterasu was a rather shining talent here in Japan and there were plenty of people who were interested in seeing what she could bring to AFW and the Friction roster. Because it was an event and there were plenty of cameras around, she wore her usual fox tails and ears. They helped her stand out amongst the rest and even more so she would be able to show off a little extra.

Compared to most her body seemed to be the most fit and the most....shapely. Himiko had her big sun hat on, her tight fitting blue bikini and as she walked along the pool that they were stationed at her generous breasts bounced with each step she took. 

She would fold her arms under her large rack, nodding to herself as she couldn't help but find the competition of this prospects a bit lacking, most of them seemed subpar, there were a few hidden gems...but it didn't seem like anyone she wanted to sink her teeth into. She released a sigh, shaking her head a little. Perhaps more prospects would show up, but she doubted it, at least she was already signed, she just had to wait until she got to play with the big girls instead of walking around with these newcomers.


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Fateful Reunion Empty Re: Fateful Reunion

Post by OmegaVan0 Sat Jun 16, 2018 9:43 pm

Fateful Reunion Wt3aNlB

Now this was more like it.

Claudia Augusta had traveled halfway across the world for this and it was well worth the sight. A gathering event for all new signings was the perfect place for Claudia to eye up the competition. A bountiful collection of beauties who were all vying to become the next big thing in wrestling and Claudia was one of them. However, at this particular moment, Claudia was more interested in the sights rather than the ambition, the Vainglorious One was confident that she was going to be at the top of this pack of fresh batch as she could see a number of girls already sizing each other up to try and assert their top position. Claudia was doing the same, albeit picking out her competition with looks rather than visible talent.

Walking on the side of the pool, Claudia caught a glimpse of a woman that was eeriely familiar. The sun was in her eyes and the hat and fox accessories were obstructing but she was certain that she saw the beauty somewhere. That large rack and those luscious curves, she was certain that she recognized them from somewhere. Then as if she was smacked with a brick, she remembered it all.

It was her old rival from High School.

There was other ways that they could've met, but none would've been as glorious as this occasion as Claudia took a deep breath. There was too much excitement for her to walk around the pool and confront Himiko face to face. "This must be a work of fate for you to be here, Himiko Maeda! How fortunate for you to be here on my welcoming party to AFW!" she shouted, standing by the edge of the pool opposite of her rival as she pointed a finger to the pink haired beauty.


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Fateful Reunion Empty Re: Fateful Reunion

Post by LunarWolf Sat Jun 16, 2018 10:14 pm

Himiko found herself a bit bored actually, she walked around the pool and would toss her hair back and tilt her sun hat up a bit, though to her surprise she soon found something in front of her. The vision of beauty that was Claudia! Himiko stopped and turned as she looked across the pool, hearing the words of her rival only confirmed it. 

" Claudia! As I live and breathe." Himiko spoke out as she would unfold her arms underneath her breasts and then toss her sun hat to the side. She ended up walking around the ring, walking towards the other side of the pool. 

She didn't stop as she started to reach Claudia though, walking right up into the blond's face and ending up with them smacking tits together as she'd press up against Claudia! " Long time since we last saw each other. You're joining AFW I presume." Himiko spoke as if it was a normal conversation between the two as the two beauties stood pressing firmly up against one another.


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Fateful Reunion Empty Re: Fateful Reunion

Post by OmegaVan0 Sat Jun 16, 2018 10:34 pm

Claudia smiled as it was indeed her rival from long ago, she'd never forget such a treasure of humanity like Himiko's body, one that she was so well acquainted with as she began walking around the pool with her rival, meeting in the middle as they gave each other a hard smack of their boobs. Neither pair gave an inch to the other as Claudia looked up at the slightly taller Himiko, Claudia's booming voice had got all eyes on the two of them as she smiled back.

"It has been far too long Himiko. I've seen you've kept your body in amazing physique." she let out, not taking her eyes off of her rival and instead used her breasts to examine the large breasts by pushing in harder to Himiko's breasts. They remained firm, bringing a bigger smile on Claudia's face as she continued to try and push Himiko off balance with just her boobs. "Umu! I've been drifting from career to career, I think I've finally found my calling here in Pro Wrestling! But to think that you'd be here as well..." she let out, her smile growing bigger as she moved her face closer to her rival's.

"Looks like a perfect place to settle things once and for all..."


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Fateful Reunion Empty Re: Fateful Reunion

Post by LunarWolf Sat Jun 16, 2018 10:53 pm

The two beautiful women came together rather hard as most of the heads turned towards the two women clashing. Himiko would smile towards her woman as the two of them would look over one another. 

" Oh and I can tell that you've kept an extensive workout, no doubt trying to catch up with my own amazing physique." Himiko spoke out tauntingly as she would give the woman a wink. When Claudia mentioned that she was into wrestling now full time and had found her calling, Himiko would nod her head. " Took you long enough." Himiko teased as she would then feel how Claudia moved her face in closer towards her. 

The words of her rival caused Himiko's face to take on a bit more of a serious expression. " Couldn't have said it better." The woman spoke out as she would gesture towards a table by the pool. She'd pull away from Claudia and turn to walk towards it as she went in and seat herself down on the chair and place her elbow down on it, right hand open and wide as she waited for Claudia's hand. " For old times sake." 


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Fateful Reunion Empty Re: Fateful Reunion

Post by OmegaVan0 Sun Jul 01, 2018 6:43 pm

The two rivals were both overjoyed that their physical and competitive equal was back in their lives, both of them very intent on reigniting their rivalry that was held off so many years ago. They wasted little time as Himiko moved towards a table, placing down her elbow on it and challenging Claudia to an arm wrestling match right there on the spot!

"Hu hu hu, you never change. Just the way I like you." Claudia let out as she sauntered over to the table, admiring the sight of a bent over Himiko as she would assume the same position. Leaning forward as her left hand gripped on the edge of the table, leaning forward to allow her rival the same view of her cleavage as she placed her elbow on the table, gripping Himiko's hand tightly as her own joyful expression hardened into a serious one.

"Ready to lose again?"


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Fateful Reunion Empty Re: Fateful Reunion

Post by LunarWolf Sun Jul 01, 2018 6:49 pm

Himiko would take a moment to watch the lovely Claudia saunter her way over towards the table and take a seat, watching that delightful bust as she watched her rival lean forward, the pink haired woman would clasp her hand together. 

She would stare intently into those beautiful green eyes as she licked her lips, Himiko was excited by all of this. Because of that, the buxom pink haired woman would let out a light chuckle, she would then turn her tone rather dark and serious. 

" In your dreams, perhaps." Himiko spoke as she would then flex her strong right arm and start to put the pressure on her equal.


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Fateful Reunion Empty Re: Fateful Reunion

Post by OmegaVan0 Mon Jul 30, 2018 8:22 pm

The long lost rivals locked hands with each other, both of them leaning over the table as they got a little crowd forming around them, interested in the chain of events that had transpired before them. Claudia smiled as she looked into the eyes of her long time rival, remembering the sweet feeling of meeting such a woman in a competitive state, one who would not balk in front of her as her own face took a serious look.

"Oh, it'll be more than a dream honey." She let out, her hand tightening on Himiko's hand and table as her right arm tightened as her toned muscles began to bludge. "Ready to lose Himi?" she let out, waiting for her rival to begin. Once they were ready, she would begin pushing into her arm to try and overpower her rival!


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Fateful Reunion Empty Re: Fateful Reunion

Post by LunarWolf Mon Jul 30, 2018 8:56 pm

Having finally locked up with her old rival the pink haired woman would smirk a little, hearing the words of her beautiful blond rival, she would simply nod. " I'm ready to win." Himiko let out as she leaned forward and readied up. She would feel how Claudia's hand squeezed her own and she returned the squeezing, before she would start at the same time as her rival, pushing and putting power into her arm.

Her muscles bulging as she would grunt out a bit, Claudia and Himiko had always been evenly matched in nearly all aspects and strength was no different, it would without a doubt be one hell of a arm wrestling contest.


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Fateful Reunion Empty Re: Fateful Reunion

Post by OmegaVan0 Mon Jul 30, 2018 9:29 pm

The two beauties locked and pushed against each other, the hands squeezing and tightening against each other as they tried to overpower the other. The crowd was already rallying behind who they thought was going to win as sweat started to perspire from Claudia's forehead from the amount of exertion she was putting in to defeat her rival after so long. Just as she remembered they were even on all levels, it was going to be difficult overcoming such an evenly matched opponent.

But that was the exciting part of it. Claudia's smile grew, she was going to love beating Himiko in this contest of strength. "Oh, you haven't let up since the last time I saw you." she let out, gritting her teeth through a strained smile, she was clearly enjoying this.


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