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Champions & #1 contenders

Friction World Champion
Rebecca Tomko
#1 contender

Tag Team Champions
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Hardcore 24/7 Champion
Yona "The Graceful Undead" Giovanni
#1 contender

Hentai Champion
Bianca Garcia
#1 contender

Entropy Champion
Panther Risako
#1 contender
Ellie St. James

Rising Star Champion
Piper Sherwood
#1 contender



Tension World Champion
Sierra Oasis
#1 contender

Nekketsu Champion
Iris Takahashi
#1 contender
Giovanni "Gyro" Zeppeli


Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Falls count Anywhere. Amy Evans vs Morgan Raine

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Falls count Anywhere. Amy Evans vs Morgan Raine Empty Falls count Anywhere. Amy Evans vs Morgan Raine

Post by Mystery Dragon Tue Apr 11, 2017 1:53 am

Falls count Anywhere
She could have sworn she heard the name before but a face alluded her. Shame since she was so confident having a face would be the key to figuring out who it was. It wasn't such a big deal that she needed to know just irritated her that something like that felt like it was on the tip of her damn tounge and she couldn't get it. Still she would find out soon enough as she took a deep breathe and made for the entrance now that it was her time to go. Like she said, it didn't matter who it was, they were going down.

Crawling out in her Lion get up she had a wicked smile on her face as she let out a roar to the crowd who ate it up as they cheered the entrance. Crawling down the ring she remembered the fact that it was a Falls count anywhere match that she debuted in and while that one didn't take advantage of that fact as much as it could have she now had a chance to make up for the lost time by decimating her opponent tonight, leaving a beaten mess in her wake if she had too as she took off the fake wig and claws before entering the ring. Standing tall she turned to the entrance and motioned for Morgan to come out and play.
Mystery Dragon
Mystery Dragon

Posts : 6257
Join date : 2016-02-04
Age : 28

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Falls count Anywhere. Amy Evans vs Morgan Raine Empty Re: Falls count Anywhere. Amy Evans vs Morgan Raine

Post by bricktown Wed Apr 12, 2017 6:35 am

As Morgan stepped out onto the stage, she tried not to react too nervously. Unlike her opponent, she had a pretty good idea of who she was facing. Whatever one thought of Amy Evans, it was clear that she was on the top of the midcard, if not a main eventer proper. She was a real challenge, somebody who would push Morgan to her limits and beyond. That said, the Canadian didn't have a bone deep fear of the blonde like she did when it came to monsters like the Hardcore Queen. That meant they weren't so far apart that winning was impossible. Maybe she could pull an upset victory for once!

Heh. Fat chance there. Still, Morgan wasn't about to let that doubt weaken her. It was a Falls Count Anywhere match, and the Lion would go and crush her if she tried to escape. All she could do was fight toe to toe and give as good as she got. Leaping onto the apron, she turned her back and leaned over the rope to flip into the ring. Her boots hit the mat with an audible thud, though she didn't seem fazed at all. Morgan just faced Amy again, a look of grim determination on her face as she slammed her fists together.

Mercy would not be granted to her, so she would give none in return.

Morgan Raine
Alyssa Blank
Ange du Lac
Carol Clover
Suzuka "Nines" Masahiko

I play by post only. Also, if you feel like dropping a match, PM me to tell me about that.


Posts : 589
Join date : 2013-11-26

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Falls count Anywhere. Amy Evans vs Morgan Raine Empty Re: Falls count Anywhere. Amy Evans vs Morgan Raine

Post by Mystery Dragon Thu Apr 13, 2017 10:16 am

Amy was patiently waiting and was finally rewarded as this Morgan came out to face her for this match. Looking her up and down the girl didn't seem all that impressive but continued to watch her. From what she had heard and seen she was a powerhouse similar to her, Though Amy was going to prove that she was faster and stronger then  Morgan and why she was the dominate Predator in this ring.

"Well I hope you didn't come out here to waste my time. Cause I can guarantee you if you cant make this match entraining for me, then I will do it myself." She said walking around the ring and continuing to stare Morgan down as she got ready for the bell to ring.
Mystery Dragon
Mystery Dragon

Posts : 6257
Join date : 2016-02-04
Age : 28

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Falls count Anywhere. Amy Evans vs Morgan Raine Empty Re: Falls count Anywhere. Amy Evans vs Morgan Raine

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