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Champions & #1 contenders

Friction World Champion
Rebecca Tomko
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Yona "The Graceful Undead" Giovanni
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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Maria Tempesta vs. Peggy McIntyre

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Maria Tempesta vs. Peggy McIntyre Empty Maria Tempesta vs. Peggy McIntyre

Post by HighFly Sun Mar 19, 2017 11:21 am

Here she was, pacing before a match again. Peggy had twice as many losses as wins, and despite her last phone conversation with her aunt saying she was proud... Peggy felt like she was embarrassing her family.

Clad in her green swimsuit, gold pads, and gold/green boots the curvy young Irish woman was anxious. When would she get back on track.... if ever? To make things worse the woman she was facing tonight was favored to win even though she never fought in Friction!

As Peggys music.was announced she came out to mild cheering. She nodded and waved embracing at least something positive from her first tag match. She had more fans as a loser than she did when she won.... hard to figure out. Peggy climbed into the ring and stood dead center, hands on her hips waiting for her foe to appear.

"The Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Friction
Suzumi Ishikawa "The Tsunami"-Friction
Peggy McIntyre-Friction
Hikaru Sawazaki-Friction
Rosa "Crusher" Cabrera-Friction
"JJ" Janella Johnson-Friction
Raquel Masters-Friction
Lauren Fredericks-Friction
The Irish Amazons


Posts : 8787
Join date : 2014-03-11

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Maria Tempesta vs. Peggy McIntyre Empty Re: Maria Tempesta vs. Peggy McIntyre

Post by Underdog21 Sun Mar 19, 2017 9:47 pm

Peggy didn't have to wait long.

Maria Tempesta vs. Peggy McIntyre VkjGfW7

A heavy metal track growled over the music system as a new figure strode into the arena. Standing at 5"7 with a fit and athletic build, the new girl was glad in a tight-fitting, interweaving black and fuschia two-piece that seemed to perfectly compliment her dusky skin tone. Her hair was dyed a shocking white, and her smiling face was framed by the horned devil-mask of a luchadora. Raising an arm to her cheering fans, Maria Tempesta sauntered into the ring, moving with a casual ease that spoke both of a sexy confidence the ring skill that came with it.

Watching Peggy from afar, Maria grabbed the bottom rope and pulled up on it, slowly rotating herself upside down so that she was briefly alluringly tangled in the ropes like a pole dancer, flashing her fans a wink. The crowd, naturally, ate it up. Flipping over, she dropped to the mat and strode over to Peggy, hands on her hips as she looked her opponent over.

"And who you supposed to be, chica?" she asked, the playfulness of her tone offsetting her broken English. "Rookie's division is next door, yes? I think you in wrong ring."



Posts : 6241
Join date : 2008-04-26
Age : 37

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Maria Tempesta vs. Peggy McIntyre Empty Re: Maria Tempesta vs. Peggy McIntyre

Post by HighFly Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:03 am

Peggy silently watched Maria enter the ring and raised an eyebrow. Her cold expression didn't change at all once Maria spoke. "oh blow it out yer ass ya damn kook." Peggy said, starting to circle Maria. She wanted to knock her out cold instead of just beating her.

After a moment the bell rang and Peggy would lunge in and stepped up, swinging a hard right fist straight at Maria's jaw! She was gonna find out what this rookie could do with her fists first and foremost!

"The Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Friction
Suzumi Ishikawa "The Tsunami"-Friction
Peggy McIntyre-Friction
Hikaru Sawazaki-Friction
Rosa "Crusher" Cabrera-Friction
"JJ" Janella Johnson-Friction
Raquel Masters-Friction
Lauren Fredericks-Friction
The Irish Amazons


Posts : 8787
Join date : 2014-03-11

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Maria Tempesta vs. Peggy McIntyre Empty Re: Maria Tempesta vs. Peggy McIntyre

Post by Underdog21 Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:39 am

Unknown to either of them, a familiar face was watching from the front row stands. Peering over the people in front of her (not a difficult task, given how tall she was), Emily Nelson watched as Peggy and Maria squared off. It had been a while since she had last fought Emily, but despite them getting off to a bad start, Emily was silently rooting for the Irish girl. She knew how frustrating a losing streak could be, and had seen how it had almost made her friend Natasha quit completely. And so she was here, braving the crowds and the insistent requests for autographs, to see if Peggy could buck her losing streak.

Maria, meanwhile, raised an eyebrow at Peggy, and then mirrored her circle. When the bell rang, she watched Peggy's lunge...and then calmly brought an arm up, catching Peggy's wrist, leaving the other girl's fist quivering mere inches from her face.

"Tch. I see you slow as well as fat," she taunted. Without waiting for a reply, she would kick up, driving a knee into Peggy's exposed midsection!



Posts : 6241
Join date : 2008-04-26
Age : 37

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Maria Tempesta vs. Peggy McIntyre Empty Re: Maria Tempesta vs. Peggy McIntyre

Post by HighFly Mon Mar 20, 2017 10:39 am

"Oomph! Damn glammed up devil woman...." Peggy groaned as she doubled over and stumbled back, her curvy frame on display.

Peggy hobbled back staying hunched over wanting to draw Maria in. If Maria rushed in haphazardly she would spring up into the air and plant Maria in the chest with a dropkick!

"The Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Friction
Suzumi Ishikawa "The Tsunami"-Friction
Peggy McIntyre-Friction
Hikaru Sawazaki-Friction
Rosa "Crusher" Cabrera-Friction
"JJ" Janella Johnson-Friction
Raquel Masters-Friction
Lauren Fredericks-Friction
The Irish Amazons


Posts : 8787
Join date : 2014-03-11

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Maria Tempesta vs. Peggy McIntyre Empty Re: Maria Tempesta vs. Peggy McIntyre

Post by Underdog21 Fri Mar 24, 2017 6:49 pm

Maria, however, was not rushing in haphazardly. As Peggy stumbled back, Maria followed after her, slowly and relentlessly, and, if uninterrupted, grabbed for the Irish girl's red hair. "Oh, I am sorry. Did that hurt? I very sorry. Let me make it better." And so saying, she would suddenly release Peggy's hair, spinning around to nail Peggy in the face with a spinning backfist.

If the blow landed, she would hover after Peggy. "Come on, chica, I am here to wrestle, yes?" she would taunt. "Come, try to actually hit back! Right here!"



Posts : 6241
Join date : 2008-04-26
Age : 37

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Maria Tempesta vs. Peggy McIntyre Empty Re: Maria Tempesta vs. Peggy McIntyre

Post by HighFly Sat Mar 25, 2017 11:25 am

Before Peggy could jump up the spinning backlist leveled her, sending her hard to the mat! As she rolled over to her hands and knees moaning in pain Maria kept her mouth going. Peggy had enough of hearing this woman. Peggy stumbled up and glared at Maria, looking her in the eye. "Shut up ya dumb bitch!"

Peggy rose up and swung her fist, looking to uppercut Maria right in the jaw as she rose to her feet!

"The Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Friction
Suzumi Ishikawa "The Tsunami"-Friction
Peggy McIntyre-Friction
Hikaru Sawazaki-Friction
Rosa "Crusher" Cabrera-Friction
"JJ" Janella Johnson-Friction
Raquel Masters-Friction
Lauren Fredericks-Friction
The Irish Amazons


Posts : 8787
Join date : 2014-03-11

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Maria Tempesta vs. Peggy McIntyre Empty Re: Maria Tempesta vs. Peggy McIntyre

Post by Underdog21 Sun Mar 26, 2017 7:16 pm

Maria had gotten fairly close to Peggy at this point, taunting her and beckoning for her to hit her back. She was in full heel mode right now, mocking her foe while she was down and doing everything she could to make Peggy angrier.

It should have come as no surprise, then, when Maria got what she asked for.

Maria's head snapped back as she was nailed by the uppercut. The devil girl was sent stumbling back dizzily before she caught her footing. Glaring at Peggy, Maria's grin was gone this time, the look on her face telling saying that she was now going to take this match seriously.

With a wordless yell, she lunged at Peggy, lashing out with a spinning kick...



Posts : 6241
Join date : 2008-04-26
Age : 37

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Maria Tempesta vs. Peggy McIntyre Empty Re: Maria Tempesta vs. Peggy McIntyre

Post by HighFly Sun Mar 26, 2017 10:09 pm

Peggy caught Maria by surprise and was up on her feet, her foe looking much less smug than before. As Maria rushed in Peggy ducked low allowing Maria's kick to sail overhead.

As Maria spun around Peggy reached out to grab her and tried to thrust her knee into Maria!

"The Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Friction
Suzumi Ishikawa "The Tsunami"-Friction
Peggy McIntyre-Friction
Hikaru Sawazaki-Friction
Rosa "Crusher" Cabrera-Friction
"JJ" Janella Johnson-Friction
Raquel Masters-Friction
Lauren Fredericks-Friction
The Irish Amazons


Posts : 8787
Join date : 2014-03-11

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Maria Tempesta vs. Peggy McIntyre Empty Re: Maria Tempesta vs. Peggy McIntyre

Post by Underdog21 Wed Mar 29, 2017 9:38 pm

Maria was toying with Peggy earlier...and, she had to admit, was still in the mood to toy with the other girl a bit. However, she also wanted to send the Irish girl the message that she wasn't to be trifled with, that she was a tough competitor. It would not only set the tone for this match, but, she also knew, the fans would just eat it up.

Except, just as she lashed out with a kick, the redheaded girl dropped low and managed to duck! Stunned, Maria barely managed to retain her balance in time, and spun around...and recieved a hard knee in the stomach from Peggy! "OOOF!" she gasped, doubling over. Around them, the crowd cheered, many happy to see Peggy get some payback for that earlier blow.



Posts : 6241
Join date : 2008-04-26
Age : 37

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Maria Tempesta vs. Peggy McIntyre Empty Re: Maria Tempesta vs. Peggy McIntyre

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