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Mon May 13, 2024 4:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sat Apr 06, 2024 11:00 pm by Blade/speranza

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Zarya the Iron Soldier vs Linda Halloween

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Zarya the Iron Soldier vs Linda Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: Zarya the Iron Soldier vs Linda Halloween

Post by Iron Soldier Sat Jan 28, 2017 4:09 pm

Zarya *would* have found a suitably biting response to the Americans words, if a few hard shots from Linda's elbows hadn't cut her off,  each one earning a pained grunt from the Iron Soldier, loosening her grip little by little...  until Linda was finally able to break free and spin around behind her! 

In the blink of an eye Zarya found herself in the same position she had her opponent in a moment ago. Her surprise lasted only a second, feeling Linda's arms around her middle,  trying to suplex her! 

The Iron Soldier bent her knees and learned forward, lowering her center of gravity to make herself harder to lift. She'd send a vicious elbow of her own, aiming blind for where she thought was the side of Linda's head. If she managed to force her enemy to loosen her grip, Zarya would tear free, grab Linda by the arm and shoulder, and attempt to Irish Whip her into the corner turnbuckle!  

Failing that, she had no doubt that the American would end up suplexing in her, with a hard and highly unpleasant landing in store
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Zarya the Iron Soldier vs Linda Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: Zarya the Iron Soldier vs Linda Halloween

Post by anime_hentaifighter Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:50 pm

Linda tactic had worked as she could hear the Russian grunt in pain from the repeated elbows to her opponent's side and was able to escape from the Iron soldier's grip when she loosed it enough and quickly got behind Zarya.

Now trying to trap the Russian in the same position she herself had bin mere seconds ago seemed like a good plan at the time but when Zarya bend her knees and lowered the center of gravity the task became a lot more difficult. This gave the Iron soldier the time she needed to aim a elbow to Linda's head and when it connected the former navy seal would release her opponent from her grip.

''Damn should have known she turn my own tactic against me''thought Linda as she would feel Zarya grab her by the arm and shoulder and whip her towards the turnbuckle. Knowing she was not one for the flippy stuff like most high fliers who were in the AFW she was not able to turn the situation to her advantage and ran right into it.

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Zarya the Iron Soldier vs Linda Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: Zarya the Iron Soldier vs Linda Halloween

Post by Iron Soldier Mon Jan 30, 2017 2:53 pm

Zarya should have felt a sense of satisfaction at having escaped a bad situation. Instead, she was mentally cursing herself. That swift reversal had served as a reminder that Linda wasn't an opponent to trifle with, however much the former soldier might hate her. 

Having managed to whip Linda into the corner, Zarya rushed towards her almost immediately, swinging out with her right arm to aim a running forearm strike at the back of the Americans head.
Iron Soldier
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Zarya the Iron Soldier vs Linda Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: Zarya the Iron Soldier vs Linda Halloween

Post by anime_hentaifighter Mon Jan 30, 2017 4:17 pm

After running right into the turnbuckle after being whipped into the corner was bad enough for the former navy seal and things were about to get even worse. As Zarya was not about to give the blond the chance to escape and was alreayd moving towards the American even if Linda did see this the screaming fans telling her to escape were warning enough.

But even with the warning Linda would feel Zarya's forearm strike at the back of her head causing it to ram right into the turnbuckle and allowing the Russian to take control of the match.

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Zarya the Iron Soldier vs Linda Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: Zarya the Iron Soldier vs Linda Halloween

Post by Iron Soldier Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:03 pm

A chorus of "Boo's" erupted from the crowd as the Iron Soldier connected full force, bouncing Linda's head off the turnbuckle. Zarya ignored them, or tried too. She could have sworn a few of the more obnoxious fans at ring-side had chanted something mocking about steroids. Great... even the stupid fans were saying it now! She took it out on Linda, aiming two more hard forearm shots to the back of her head, wanting the American dazed for what came next.

Pulling Linda away from the turnbuckle, Zarya grabbed her around the waist with one arm while her other hand grabbed the side of the former SEALs biker shorts, lifting her up as if for a backdrop. Instead of falling backwards, Zarya would attempt to sit Linda up on the top rope. If she managed that, she'd grab a fist full of the blondes hair to yank her down into the classic Tree of Woe position.
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Zarya the Iron Soldier vs Linda Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: Zarya the Iron Soldier vs Linda Halloween

Post by anime_hentaifighter Mon Jan 30, 2017 11:26 pm

Linda was hearing people shouting all around her but was unable to make out what they were saying as she was trying to hold her head after her head made contact with the turnbuckle for the first time. Just as she was able to touch her face she was knocked face first into the turn buckle again and while she lay her head against it got another one as the Russian was making it clear she came to win.

While the former navy seal was dazed from getting her head slammed into the turnbuckle three times in a row and was easily lifted up and was placed on the top ropes facing the crowd. Closing her eyes for a moment she would try to focus but still scream when Zarya grasped her by the hair and yanked her down as she was now hanging upside down in the corner and just smirked.

Knowing she could not aim right at the moment she hoped the Russian would get closer as she needed Zarya to be but a mere inch away before she try to slam her fist into her gut. While hoping that the fact that blood was rushing towards her head did not effect her already bad aim at the moment.

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Zarya the Iron Soldier vs Linda Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: Zarya the Iron Soldier vs Linda Halloween

Post by Iron Soldier Tue Jan 31, 2017 7:21 pm

Zarya made a show of cracking her knuckles, making it clear that a long and torturous beat-down session was in store of the former SEAL. She cast a glare around at the jeering fans before lashing out with her foot, aiming a few hard kicks at Linda's mid-section. Each kick thrown seem to be a response to the crowd, as if Zarya thought she might shut them up if she hurt their hero enough.

Deciding to quit toying with the seemingly helpless Linda, Zarya stepped even closer, only for Linda's fist to connect flush with her unprepared gut. "Ugh!" She grimaced, staggering back a step and falling to one knee. The Russian native clutched her arm around her aching belly, as much shocked as hurt. She'd recover quickly, but it was a much needed opening for Linda to escape a dangerous situation, unless dizziness from being upside down got to her first.
Iron Soldier
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Zarya the Iron Soldier vs Linda Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: Zarya the Iron Soldier vs Linda Halloween

Post by anime_hentaifighter Wed Feb 01, 2017 12:27 am

Linda would scream as each kick connected with her mid section while she tried to stay focused and hope the Russian would step forward so she could try to lash out with that punch. Luckily that did happen as it seems Zarya had become overconfident and stepped forward only to stagger backwards as a result and fall down to one knee.

Hearing the AFW fans getting behind her as she got in that lucky punch was a surprise as Linda had expected it would take more then just the one blow she was able to land on her opponent. Trying to sit up while she was still upside down to grasp the bottom ropes it seemed that the fans screamed louder as the former navy seal pulled herself back up and would in the end sit on the turnbuckle. Not knowing if the Russian had recovered while she was pulling herself upwards so she could sit on the turnbuckle would rise to her feet and turn around before she leaped off and try to knock Zarya down with a missile dropkick.

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Zarya the Iron Soldier vs Linda Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: Zarya the Iron Soldier vs Linda Halloween

Post by Iron Soldier Thu Feb 02, 2017 7:03 pm

It was a lucky shot on Linda's part, but an effective one nonetheless. Zarya's face wore a look of anger and frustration as pain lanced through hey belly, but she wasn't overly concerned. The american was still right where she wanted her, and she'd make Linda suffer for that punch ten times over!

The Iron Soldier was just about to punish Linda for it... when she saw it. A fan in the first row.. holding up a sign.. that said in big, bold letters.. TEST HER FOR STEROIDS.

At which point, Zarya saw red. She got to her feet and went to the ropes, leaning over to point at the fan with the sign. "I'm going to break that sign over your head! Don't let catch you in the parking lot!"

She realized too late that the crowd was starting to cheer, and cheer loudly. She glanced to the side just in time to see Linda rise up on the top turnbuckle. How in the hell did she pull herself up so fast! Zarya had just enough time to turn towards Linda, intending to rush at her and knock her off the turnbuckle... but she was too late! Linda Halloween had already launched herself like a missle, feet slamming into the russians chest as the dropkick struck home!

"Unhh!" The force sent the woman flying backwards, landing hard on her back in the middle of the ring, coughing violently from having the wind knocked out of her.
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Zarya the Iron Soldier vs Linda Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: Zarya the Iron Soldier vs Linda Halloween

Post by anime_hentaifighter Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:47 pm

Linda was wondering what sign was making Zarya this angry as she leaped of the turnbuckle and when for the satellite dropkick and slammed her feet into the Russian's chest. So as both wrestlers landed on the canvas the former navy seal looked up and spotted the poster and started to giggle as she yelled''yes we should people'' which got a loud pop from the crowd.

Not wanting to give her opponent any rest the American would arch her back and raise her feet into the air before kipping up and landing on her feet as she smirked at the Russian. ''Well here comes the pain Zarya''thought the former navy seal as she would step forward and get her elbow in the right position as she when for a standing elbow drop.

If it connected she would kip up again and go for another standing elbow drop and repeat this 8 more times as the AFW fans would count each standing elbow drop that connected to Zarya's chest.

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Zarya the Iron Soldier vs Linda Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: Zarya the Iron Soldier vs Linda Halloween

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