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Sun May 12, 2024 11:49 pm by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sat Apr 06, 2024 6:00 pm by Blade/speranza

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Double debut: Ellie Taylor vs Lynn Fox - Standard match

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Double debut: Ellie Taylor vs Lynn Fox - Standard match - Page 6 Empty Re: Double debut: Ellie Taylor vs Lynn Fox - Standard match

Post by RJD Sun Jan 15, 2017 3:26 pm

Lynn was defenitetely a challenge for a rookie like Ellie, sure both wrestlers were new to the AFW but the redhead could tell that her opponent had more experience than her. The farmer was truly grateful to face someone like Lynn, due to how challenging the match was Ellie felt even more satisfied when she managed to get the slight advantage.

That emotion and admiration for her respectful foe rushed through Ellie, the redhead not being able to suppress her smile as she tripped her opponent. After wrestling Lynn to the ground the redhead would try to quickly push off the Mat while trying to escape her opponent's grasp by rolling to the side and get to her feet, hopefully putting some distance between herself and Lynn.

The hard working redhead would then attend to quickly get to her feet and wait for Lynn to get into all yours, before the farmer would close the distance with some quick side steps. Once Ellie for within range of her opponent she would try to lift her leg for a kneeling superkick. The farmer struggling to perform the move due to inexperience, despite setting herself up for it well.

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Double debut: Ellie Taylor vs Lynn Fox - Standard match - Page 6 Empty Re: Double debut: Ellie Taylor vs Lynn Fox - Standard match

Post by anime_hentaifighter Sun Jan 15, 2017 5:03 pm

Lynn knew she had to focus on trying to win the match but the brunette could barely keep a smile from her face as Ellie was proving to be a challenge and the Irish native did so enjoy a challenge now and then. So even with her being wrestler to the ground by the redhead it came to a surprise to Lynn when she was just pushed away and see Ellie make it back to her feet after getting some distance between themselves.

Trying to make it back onto her feet before her opponent it seemed that the redhead was just quicker then the brunette as Lynn barely made it onto all fours by the time Ellie was onto her feet again. Not expecting an attack so fast the Irish native was knocked down as her opponent was kneeling down and when for a kneeling superkick which connected to the side of Lynn's head.

The force of the kick caused the brunette to land on her side and look up at Ellie as she would try to hide the smile and roll away from her opponents and towards the ropes as this time it was Lynn who needed to get some distance between herself and the redhead.

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Double debut: Ellie Taylor vs Lynn Fox - Standard match - Page 6 Empty Re: Double debut: Ellie Taylor vs Lynn Fox - Standard match

Post by RJD Sun Jan 22, 2017 2:58 pm

Ellie was somewhat surprised to land the super kick, this time it was a move she did often and was quite experienced with but she was still shocked as this was the first time she had really highlighted her wrestling ability in the AFW. Due to her last few matches the farmer was beginning to believe she might just be incompetent, but her performance in this match was far above her last few. 

The farmer knew she had to respond quickly, trying to turn her body towards Lynn again and drop to all fours to pin Lynn, but right as Ellie went for the pin her quick opponent started to roll towards the ropes. " H-Hey!" The redhead yelled, caught of guard by Lynn's quick escape before trying to crawl after her. After Lynn gained some distance on Ellie the redhead would realise that while she was crawling she couldn't catch up to Lynn, so instead Ellie would attempt to get onto her feet again to run towards Lynn. By the time the farmer had gotten to her feet and closed in on her opponent again, it would be likely that Lynn was at the ropes and had made it up to a standing position also.

Ellie admittedly hadn't thought much about what kind of attack to go with, she had just planned to catch up with Lynn so her attempted attack would just end up being a running edge knife chop to the Nymph's chest.

Although Ellie was a tiny bit frustrated at her opponent was immediately on the run she couldn't calm herself down, her smile would only grew as the rush of exhilaration overrode her frustrations and pain. From what the redhead could tell the crowd seemed pretty excited too, the they were making a fair bit of noise although Ellie couldn't make out specifically what they were shouting. Regardless the redhead would keep pressing on the attack to take control of the close bout.

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Double debut: Ellie Taylor vs Lynn Fox - Standard match - Page 6 Empty Re: Double debut: Ellie Taylor vs Lynn Fox - Standard match

Post by anime_hentaifighter Sun Jan 22, 2017 5:04 pm

Lynn thought the whole world was spinning around her right now as Ellie landed that superkick right into her face and hoped she was able to roll out of the ring and out of her opponent's grasp. The plan worked perfectly as the farmer was just a bit to slow as the brunette rolled away from the other wrestler until she reached the ropes.

Thinking she got all the time in the world to get back to her feet Lynn would look to the left and saw that Ellie was right besides her an on her hands and knees blocking any chance of the brunette making it back to her feet before she did. ''Seems you got me trapped her Ellie so time for me to drop out of the ring''whispered Lynn before she rolled out of the ring and fall towards the cold floor.

While this may have bought Lynn some time the fall towards the floor did not do her back any favors as she struggled to climb onto her knees and use the apron to pull herself back to her feet leaving her open to a attack by her red haired opponent if Ellie was quick enough.

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Double debut: Ellie Taylor vs Lynn Fox - Standard match - Page 6 Empty Re: Double debut: Ellie Taylor vs Lynn Fox - Standard match

Post by RJD Sat Jan 28, 2017 4:29 pm

Ellie would pull her hand back after catching up to Lynn, she had been planning to strike her opponent but she would be slightly too late as the nymph managed to roll out the ring at the last available moment. It was a tiny bit frustrating to Ellie that she had used so much energy just for Lynn to roll out of the ring, however, there were definitely positives to this recent development though.

Ellie loved using her acrobatics to climb and leap from trees back in the farm and had been excited to attempt some acrobatics in the ring, but until now the opportunity hadn't presented itself. Perhaps it was a bit risky for someone as exhausted and inexperienced as the Ellie to attempt what she was about to, but regardless she wouldn't hesitate to follow up after Lynn barely escaped her clutches.

The farmer with a growing smile on her face would use the ropes to get up to her feet and then wait until Lynn started to get to her feet on the outside. As soon as everything was aligned Ellie would run against the ropes opposite from her oppondng to build up some steam and rebound off them back towards the side of the ring the nymph was outside. Upon reaching the ropes the redhead would use the speed built up and her flexibility to contort her body to fit between the middle and top rope, flinging herself through them and holding both her arms straight forward as she attempted to crash front first into the nympth with a sucide dive.

RJD's Misfits

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Double debut: Ellie Taylor vs Lynn Fox - Standard match - Page 6 Empty Re: Double debut: Ellie Taylor vs Lynn Fox - Standard match

Post by anime_hentaifighter Sat Jan 28, 2017 5:50 pm

Lynn knew she only bought herself some time by rolling out of the ring like that but knew it was better then being hit by whatever the redhead had in mind had she stayed inside the ring. Even so it seems the fact that the brunette was now outside of the ring did not stop Ellie from attacking as it seemed the other wrestler was like Evanna as both girls loved to fly and show off their acrobatics.

So as the farmer got back to her feet at the same time that Lynn did she had the advantage of being in higher ground and would start to build up steam and rush towards the ropes on the other side of the ring. Bouncing off them the redhead would rush towards the position where Lynn was now standing and jumped between the middle and top ropes and knocked the brunette into the barricade with a suicide dive. With both wrestlers on the outside now and now both on the floor the referee would start to reacted and begin counting them out as the referee said ''one''.

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Double debut: Ellie Taylor vs Lynn Fox - Standard match - Page 6 Empty Re: Double debut: Ellie Taylor vs Lynn Fox - Standard match

Post by RJD Tue Jan 31, 2017 2:40 pm

Ellie after crashing into her opponent at high speeds would let out a slight yelp as she crumble down onto the concrete, letting out a long groan as she heard Lynn's body collide with the barricade. The redhead had seen other people do this more before but she hadn't tried such a thing that often herself, usually when she did she put a little bit less steam behind it which usually resulted in her opponent breaking the fall. This time though the farmer's fall would be harsh and painful as she blasted her opponent backwards into the barricade.

After a second or two of both women on the outside the ref would start her count. " one..." " two..." " three..." Ellie could hear the count, but her body still hadn't recovered enough for her to get up yet, the redhead had made the mistake of pushing herself to the limit and then going for such an exhausting and damaging move. Sure it seemed to do a lot of damage to Lynn but when the farmer herself only managed to get into a sitting position by the third count, perhaps doing such a move without practising it often was a poor decision.

After sitting up for the 3rd count Ellie would place her hand upon the ring apron, getting ready to continue her advance back into the ring as she looked over at Lynn, feeling a slight bit bad for doing something so painful, but figuring that it would be disrespectful for her to pity an opponent the redhead would just focus on her own recovery for now. After all, she had gotten to know Lynn a little bit through this competitive match and she knew that wasn't enough to keep her opponent down and out.

RJD's Misfits

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Double debut: Ellie Taylor vs Lynn Fox - Standard match - Page 6 Empty Re: Double debut: Ellie Taylor vs Lynn Fox - Standard match

Post by anime_hentaifighter Tue Jan 31, 2017 6:27 pm

Lynn would just lay on the concrete after she was knocked out of the ring by Ellie as it was clear that the brunette took the most damage of the impact as both wrestlers landed on the outside. Even so the Irish wrestler still noticed that the referee was starting her count and was already on three when she feels the farmer sit up and could feel when the other wrestler move away from her body and saw Ellie grasp the ring apron.

Seeing Ellie get inside of the ring while she was still on the floor came as a surprise to the brunette but just thought the other wrestler must be hurt worse then she thought and would slowly roll onto her belly as the referee just said ''Five''. Getting onto her hands and knees it seemed that it would be close as the ref girl keeps counting as she said ''Six ... Seven'...'' just as Lynn grasped the ring apron. Pulling herself back to her feet as she hear the ref count to 8 as she was barely able to roll into the ring as the ref yelled ''Nine'' before she stopped as the brunette lay inside the ring panting heavily as she whispered ''were you to badly hurt to over me a hand Ellie ?''

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Double debut: Ellie Taylor vs Lynn Fox - Standard match - Page 6 Empty Re: Double debut: Ellie Taylor vs Lynn Fox - Standard match

Post by RJD Wed Feb 08, 2017 4:46 pm

Ellie considered helping Lynn up, but at the same time she had made a slight misjudgement by going for such a move without practising it properly. The farmer may have hit her target but her body almost felt likely to collapse as she pulled herself up using the apron, before then rolling into the ring and getting to her knees. 

By the time Ellie had gotten up to her knees though the count would already be at six and the redhead would have a slight moment of panic, she didn't want to win such a competitive and important match for her momentum by count out but she wasn't sure if she could even get Lynn into the ring before the 10 count at this point, prompting the farmer to freeze in place as she watched Lynn barely make it back through the ropes.

" H-Huh..." The somewhat distant and still anxious Redhead would respond, before she felt her heart beat slowing back down to usual and realised what Lynn was saying. " S-Sorry... I uhmm haven't dove outside before, so I froze up a bit..." Ellie would whisper back, she knew that it didn't quite justify abandoning the woman outside and didn't even sum up her own thoughts very well, but at the moment that was the only way the farmer could put it into words.

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Double debut: Ellie Taylor vs Lynn Fox - Standard match - Page 6 Empty Re: Double debut: Ellie Taylor vs Lynn Fox - Standard match

Post by anime_hentaifighter Thu Feb 09, 2017 4:40 pm

Lynn would try not to giggle as she heard Ellie apologize for not helping her get back inside the ring as she could tell that the farmer was serious about this. ''Don't worry about it as it could have lead to the both of us being counted out if things did not go as we had hoped Ellie''replied Lynn as she lay their on her back panting heavily.

Not sure how long she lay their panting the brunette would continue talking as she said ''but if you want to make it up to me mind allowing me to just lay her for a moment so i can catch my breath'' as she hoped to use the extra time to recover as she would try to make it back to her hands and knees to avoided another count as the ref could think the Irish woman was knocked out if she was not careful.

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