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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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24/7 Championship Match - Carmen Rodriguez (C) vs. Soledad 'Sola' Vega - All Good Things

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24/7 Championship Match - Carmen Rodriguez (C) vs. Soledad 'Sola' Vega - All Good Things - Page 2 Empty Re: 24/7 Championship Match - Carmen Rodriguez (C) vs. Soledad 'Sola' Vega - All Good Things

Post by acuyra Mon Sep 05, 2016 8:36 am

Once upon a time, Carmen’s father made her take dance lessons for a couple of months. She absolutely hated every second of it, but looking back, she understood the point. Professional dancer’s had some of the best footwork in the world, and working with them helped improve her game in the ring. She could move from post to post with ease, weave around punches that would’ve tagged a less fleet-footed boxer. A useful set of skills to have.

Granted, this probably wasn’t what he had mind, but then again, he didn’t approve of a lot of things Carmen had done since she left the island. One more for the pot.

Even in this weird position and in the dim atmosphere, Carmen could see that Sola was playing a little with the crowd, trying to make a show of this. Fine with her. She could do this. She could work the young fighter just as well as anyone.


It was easy to believe that, at first, but it was even easier to get lost in the grind motion between her legs, as the spicy Latina worked her lithe body against Carmen. The differences in their body’s were immediately clear - Carmen’s was honed for combat, mostly muscle. No doubt Sola had plenty of power under her fine figure, but it had curves to go along. Smooth, soft curves, that were running along Carmen’s body, fititng into every contour…

Carmen stumbled, lost a step, but managed to recover before it became too obvious. Keeping herself in the game, she let her roving hands run down Sola’s back, feeling lower and lower, while she buried her face into Sola’s neck and took a deep breath.

”Love your hair.” Carmen blew a few strands out of her face, exposing Vega’s ear. ”Shame that it all has to go.”

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24/7 Championship Match - Carmen Rodriguez (C) vs. Soledad 'Sola' Vega - All Good Things - Page 2 Empty Re: 24/7 Championship Match - Carmen Rodriguez (C) vs. Soledad 'Sola' Vega - All Good Things

Post by Lunchador Tue Sep 06, 2016 1:17 am

Soledad kept her body flush to Carmen, while she waited for a reaction. The young latina let her longer locks of hair spill over her face, while she chewed her lip. Sola had no idea how Carmen was going to react to this strategy. Hit her? Throw her? Start grinding right back? Soledad had no idea, and the thought of that was massively exciting to her.

She could feel Carmen's body flush against hers, feeling hot under the bright lights of the crowded club. It gave the teenage street fighter a knowledge of Carmen's body and build that she'd not gotten in all of her time studying her. It was an entirely different thing, from facing her around the arena, or even trying to bury the champion in her own home. An entirely different kind of education, there on the dance floor.

Suddenly, though, Sola had the answer to the question of Carmen's reaction. A chill ran down Soledad's neck, when she felt the air of Carmen's breath gently blow some hair out of her face. Sola's teeth dug into her wet lower lip, and she smiled.

"Damn, chica," she said, in a low voice, "that was savage! You like that hair so much you just wanna take it home, do you? You know, there's much, much easier ways to get me back to your home ...

"But it's probably too late for that, huh?" Sola fixed her eyes on Carmen's, her lip jutting out in a faux pout. "When I take your title, and you hair, I'm guessing you're not going to wanna play with me too much more, huh?" Part of Sola couldn't believe this. The things she was saying, what she was doing- all with a woman who was a legend in the wrestling gyms back home. Sola hoped to God the kids back in Puerto Rico were going to see this. She wanted to make sure it was a hell of a show for them, first.

"Tell you what," Sola said, suddenly withdrawing her body a few inches from Carmen's, "we still got some waiting to do. How 'bout you and me have some fun, first? Last dance, before we part ways and I take that pretty little belt off your hands?"

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24/7 Championship Match - Carmen Rodriguez (C) vs. Soledad 'Sola' Vega - All Good Things - Page 2 Empty Re: 24/7 Championship Match - Carmen Rodriguez (C) vs. Soledad 'Sola' Vega - All Good Things

Post by acuyra Tue Sep 06, 2016 1:39 am

Carmen was starting to empathize with the Youkai Kid. Even if he hadn’t fallen head over heels for her Soledad’s act, he probably would’ve lost that fight, anyway - Vega was a solid enough opponent to easily pull an inexperienced boy like that through the wringer. But there was a raw sexuality about her that was hard to ignore. It was easy to just write it off as the usual AFW affair when she was away from you, but when she was close, her skin was rubbing against yours, she was whispering in your ear with that steamy breath, when you could feel every inch of her body and take in every moment...

Dios mio.

Back to reality. Carmen was standing there in the middle of the dance floor, having a very unique sort of showdown with Soledad. The cameras wouldn’t be on until the match started, but there were plenty of prying eyes, and word would spread fast. Just because it wasn’t the typical sort of gauntlet that was thrown her way didn’t mean she wasn’t going to pick it up.

”Fine.” Carmen reached down and tugged her shirt off, revealing the black sports bra underneath, clinging tight to her body. Her body wasn’t as voluptuous as Sola’s, but then, few were. She got by well enough with her hewed muscles and rigid figure, exuding power without losing her femininity. Besides, given what Sola was wearing, she had to even things up. ”Last dance.”

Carmen raised her arms and started moving the music, as it switched to something heavier, faster, more primal than the beat that had come before. The pulses came like a sped up wardrum, and she stomped to each heavy note as she moved in and pressed against Sola’s body. Chest to chest, hip to hip, face to face.

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24/7 Championship Match - Carmen Rodriguez (C) vs. Soledad 'Sola' Vega - All Good Things - Page 2 Empty Re: 24/7 Championship Match - Carmen Rodriguez (C) vs. Soledad 'Sola' Vega - All Good Things

Post by Lunchador Tue Sep 06, 2016 3:34 am

Soledad Vega's eyes widened, as she took in the sight of Carmen. It was amazing to see Carmen Rodriguez herself like this: up close, and incredibly, deeply personal. Sola shook her shoulders out, letting her long black hair shimmy and sway around her shoulder.

Sola couldn't stop smiling. Life in Puerto Rico, from fighting in the streets as a kid to snarling spitting her way through wrestling school, none of it held a candle to what she was getting up to, now. Staring down Carmen Rodriguez herself, on the cusp of a higher-stakes match than Soledad could have ever imagined herself in.

And to top it off, Carmen was picking up the gauntlet that Sola was throwing down, and accepting her challenge to dance! A loud uproar shot through the fans, as Carmen peeled off her top to expose the sports bra beneath, not to mention the stone-cut physique of a champion. Many of the crowd dropped whatever they were doing, eyes fixed on the young women occupying the center of the dance floor. Sola grinned.

Sola felt Carmen tuck into her, as things got underway. Sola's chest swelled as her breath caught in her throat, stopping her short. She pressed her soft body up against Carmen's hard-muscle figure, letting the champion take the lead. Sola stared into Carmen's eyes, as the heavy beat reverberated through the floor of the club and into their bodies. Sola grinned, shaking her ample hips in time to the music as they got started.

Then, quickly, Sola stepped back as the bass dropped, hair flowing wildly through the air as she stepped back. Almost taunting Carmen by the simple fact that it was still flowing, long and shining, from Soledad's head. Taking a second, Soledad tucked a thumb behind the knot that held her top in place. Sola tugged at it tightly, making the thin fabric cling and pull at her curvaceous figure, threatening to let Sola's chest come spilling out at any moment. The move was a similar one to Carmen's earlier display, and drew a similar reaction from the girls' sudden audience. Instead of peeling the top off, however, Soledad instead extended her other hand, curling her fingers and calling Carmen close to her, again, daring her to step in.

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24/7 Championship Match - Carmen Rodriguez (C) vs. Soledad 'Sola' Vega - All Good Things - Page 2 Empty Re: 24/7 Championship Match - Carmen Rodriguez (C) vs. Soledad 'Sola' Vega - All Good Things

Post by acuyra Tue Sep 06, 2016 5:47 am

The club was dark, but not so dark that you couldn't make out the form of a fine female form standing close to you.

Close enough to smell the sweat of Sola’s body, a tangy, heady scent that stood out from the rest of the crowd. Carmen had smelled it the first time she and Sola met, when she'd got through saving her from KIng's crazy ass, she'd smelled in when the little brat started a championship match in the middle of her apartment, and she smelled it now, when she was close enough to Sola’s body that she could reach out and touch her.

Hold her.

Caress her.

Kiss her?

A hot image flew threw Carmen’s mind, as clear as if Sola had somehow put it there're herself, and the next thing she knew, the idea had almost consumed her. She moved forward, leaning Sola’s way, lips open...but the sexpot just danced out of reach, daring her to follow her into the shadows and flashing lights. All eyes were on them. Too many to do anything but follow.

Carmen moved towards Sola, putting some of the trademark Rodriguez footwork to use as she spun around, giving a full view of her hardened body. The complete circle brought her to Vega’s side, and she extended a hand out, nice and low, letting it grace over her opponent’s stomach. Curious fingers stroked the muscle, explored their contours, as Carmen worked her way around behind Sola’s back.

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24/7 Championship Match - Carmen Rodriguez (C) vs. Soledad 'Sola' Vega - All Good Things - Page 2 Empty Re: 24/7 Championship Match - Carmen Rodriguez (C) vs. Soledad 'Sola' Vega - All Good Things

Post by Lunchador Wed Sep 07, 2016 5:00 am

Sola could feel Carmen's eyes on her. Sola could feel everyone's eyes on her. The sensation was everything she loved. Center of attention, everyone eating out of the palm of her hand. Everything she wanted out of her time in the ring, she could get on the dance floor, just as well. Except, of course, the violence. The exquisite violence ...

As Sola gave one more teasing tug of the know that kept her admittedly flimsy top from poppling clean off her body, she thought about what was on the other end of that gaze. Carmen Rodriguez. Puerto Rican wrestling legend. Tension 24/7 Champion. Peering at Soledad Vega through the darkness and the pounding bass. Sola took a moment to let that sink in, as she coaxed Carmen back toward her with a twitch and shimmy of her hips. Carmen Rodrigue, having to stand back and take notice of her.

Carmen stepped forward with grace and speed, showing off fancy footwork and her own toned, muscular physique. Sola had been owning her body, as of late. But there was definitely something that the champion had going on, too, and it wasn't just her wrestling pedigree.

Sola grinned, as she felt Carmen's fingertips brush along her own toned abs. Then, with a quick flash, Sola grasped Carmen's wrist and held her arm close. The young street fighter spun in, off her heels, her hair flying to the side as she spun directly into Carmen's embace.

As Sola tucked her body in, she lifted her leg. With a grand, sweeping gesture, she wrapped a powerful thigh around Carmen's waist and pulled her tight. The warm interior of Soledad's thigh engulfed Carmen's waist, as the challenger pressed her body flush against the champion. Sola tucked her head low, touching foreheads with Carmen and smiling upwardly at her, as she gave another flex of her leg, squeezing Carmen in her warm embrace. Sola cocked an eyebrow, eager to see what the champion's next move might be.

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24/7 Championship Match - Carmen Rodriguez (C) vs. Soledad 'Sola' Vega - All Good Things - Page 2 Empty Re: 24/7 Championship Match - Carmen Rodriguez (C) vs. Soledad 'Sola' Vega - All Good Things

Post by acuyra Wed Sep 07, 2016 9:05 am

Carmen had some experience with driving younger, hotter women wild, and she thought it would serve her well, here. Yes, Sola was hot. So was Akino. So was Lorenza. So was Diana. So was Angel. She could handle herself in this sort of situation, she told herself. She could keep up, she told herself, again.

But thinking she was on Sola’s sexual level and proving it were markedly different things.

She expected the younger Latina to keep leading her on, making her come to her, cat-and-mouse, but that changed up when Sola suddenly raised the heat and brought them close. Devilishly close. Dangerously close.

Carmen pressed against Sola’s body, almost trapped by the strong leg bringing her closer, and all at once the entire dynamic changed. Her body was warm and inviting, with curves that seemed to pull you in. Carmen’s breasts pressed against Sola’s soft, enveloping pair, their hips ground together, lighting on fire wherever they could, and she could taste her opponent’s breath inside her own mouth.


So close.

Swept away in the moment, Carmen opened her mouth and started to close in, lips drawing to each other, Sola’s red lipstick glistening in the dark, hinting at sultry promises...

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24/7 Championship Match - Carmen Rodriguez (C) vs. Soledad 'Sola' Vega - All Good Things - Page 2 Empty Re: 24/7 Championship Match - Carmen Rodriguez (C) vs. Soledad 'Sola' Vega - All Good Things

Post by Lunchador Thu Sep 08, 2016 3:34 am

Sola's heart pounded hard, in time with her music. In time with her hips, grinding hard against Carmen's toned body. Sola flexed and tensed her leg, squeezing Carmen's hips tight. With every pound of the bass, Sola twitched her hips, lightly rocking herself against Carmen, drawing them inexorably closer to one another.

"Wow, Carmen, that's some tone," Sola said, breathing the words directly into the nape of the champion's neck. "But it looks like I got you now, huh chica?"

Lifting her chin and opening her eyes, Sola decided to play with Carmen a bit more. The two of them couldn't be much closer, at this point, warm bodies tucked firmly together in the middle of the dance floor. Sola could start to feel the heat of Carmen's body against her own flesh, as a few thin beads of sweat began to flow down the curves of her ample chest.

When Sola looked at her rival, however, the challenger was surprised to see Carmen leaning in. Lips open, ready, waiting. Sola's chest swelled against Carmen's body, breath catching in her throat as she realized what was happening. This was a thing that was actually happening. Sola wanted the people back home to see her beat the legendary champion- what else were they going to see, tonight?

As Sola saw Carmen coming in, she put a hand against the champion's back. She let her fingers slide slowly up Carmen's spine, from the dimples above her toned backside, all the way up to her shoulderblades. Slowly, gently, brushing her with the lightest touch as she turned her head to the side, looking ready to accept Carmen's advances. "Carmen," Sola said, with a faux gasp, "what are you doing? What will the fans back home say, eh?"

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24/7 Championship Match - Carmen Rodriguez (C) vs. Soledad 'Sola' Vega - All Good Things - Page 2 Empty Re: 24/7 Championship Match - Carmen Rodriguez (C) vs. Soledad 'Sola' Vega - All Good Things

Post by acuyra Thu Sep 08, 2016 9:59 am

Frankly, ‘the fans back home’ were the farthest thing from Carmen’s mind at the moment. Or any moment, really. While she’d never shied away from people looking to her for inspiration and wanting to emulate her success, there was a very good reason she hadn’t set foot on the island for years. Puerto Rico was a religious island, and while she had plenty of fans, she also had plenty of people who didn’t care how many medals and accolades she earned.

She wasn’t attracted to men. That was the important thing to them.

Carmen did what she did for herself, first and foremost. This could be one of those times

Sola was turning her head, moving in, their lips so close she could feel the heat from her skin. Six inches, five inches, four inches, three inches…

”Uh...excuse me?”

Carmen’s attention was suddenly redirected by a confused voice from the side - there stood the referee, who’d just wormed her way through the throngs. On her shoulder was the 24/7 title belt, and on her face was an extremely confused stare. ”Should I come back later, or…”

”No! No.” Carmen pushed her way off of Soledad, peeling their skin apart, and quickly stepped back to where she’d dropped her shirt. She picked it up and put it back on as fast as humanly possible, glad the darkness would hide her reddened cheeks. ”I’m ready, we’re ready, let’s go.”

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24/7 Championship Match - Carmen Rodriguez (C) vs. Soledad 'Sola' Vega - All Good Things - Page 2 Empty Re: 24/7 Championship Match - Carmen Rodriguez (C) vs. Soledad 'Sola' Vega - All Good Things

Post by Lunchador Fri Sep 09, 2016 2:24 am

Soledad found herself in the unique situation of having absolutely no idea what was about to happen. At the very least, the teen street fighter liked to think she knew what was about to happen, at any given point in time- even if things didn't actually turn out that way, Sola prided herself on a smug certainty of her own future. There was no such certainty, here.

Here she was, just inches away from tasting Carmen Rodriguez. Champion. Hometown hero. Someone who's name Sola had heard time and again growing up, probably second only to her father's in terms of being a measuring stick that her career would someday be held against.

And here they were. Just the slightest breadth from getting closer than Sola ever could have imagined ...

Until they weren't. Sola didn't break her gaze, or her position, when the referee's voice brought reality breaking right back into the situation. Carmen pushed her off, leaving Sola trying to get her legs back from under her. Sola could feel chills up and down her spine, as the cold air conditioning braced her flesh. The quick shift, from Carmen's warm body to the sudden rush of cool air, prompted a physical reaction that was rather obvious, through the thin material of Soledad's top. At least, that's what she would have said her body was reacting to.

"Of course," Sola said, once the laughter died down. "We've got a busy night ahead. I wanna win my new title and get that perrita's head shaved before last call!" Sola smirked, slowly wiping herself down. Trying to compose herself, Sola's hands slid down her body, trying to wipe away the thin sheen that she and Carmen had just worked up. She flashed the champion a knowing wink, as she did so, however. The world might never know what had nearly just happened, nor did she- but Sola suspected Carmen did, one way or another.

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