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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Tension Tag Title Match: Eliza & Clyde vs WhiteGale (c) - The best of the best!

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Tension Tag Title Match: Eliza & Clyde vs WhiteGale (c) - The best of the best! Empty Tension Tag Title Match: Eliza & Clyde vs WhiteGale (c) - The best of the best!

Post by Deus001 Mon Jul 25, 2016 8:13 pm

Match Type: Standard Tag Team. Winning conditions are via pinfall or submission. The winners will be declared the Tension Tag Team Champions.

Eliza Harenwood & Clyde Gastin


Sion & Daisuke Kamiya

This was it. In her time in Tension Eliza hadn't really gotten a title shot, even with her reputation and brilliant displays of offence she hadn't been able to prove that she could fight for the gold. Until now, the tag titles seemed like a spectacular target to shoot for. Truth be told Eliza knew that there were certainly impressive teams out there such as the former champs the UK Elite, not to mention the Akamatsu siblings. However who dares wins, and Ms Harenwood was going up against the champs with a champ at her side. The cowboy Clyde Gastin.

Ever since the match was announced earlier this evening the fans had been taking to social media, it seemed like the backing was behind the established names of Eliza and Clyde. WhiteGale were going to need to prove that they could hold the gold, otherwise it'd find itself in the arms of Mr Gastin and the dancing passion. Nevertheless Eliza didn't doubt the abilities of tonight's fighters for a second, after all they defeated the UK Elite in a long and brutal ladder match.

In the back Eliza was sitting with Clyde in the champ's locker room, dressed in her attire. She had donned the same sort of outfit the Brit wore in the title match Clyde had against Reira, this was a rare chance. Ms Harenwood was looking a little bit nervous, hadn't been the case since her debut so long ago. But that was quickly concealed, either way Eliza had done an important thing in her wrestling career now. She was getting a title shot.

"Right then.....let's go Clyde, I'll go and entice the crowd. Then you make your entrance." Eliza said with a nod of the head, she had prepared her fans and mask for the entrance. This was just like with Clyde's title match, the dancing passion would appear first and rally the crowd with her moves and grace. Which was about to be shown.

The crowd was waiting, they knew that soon the match was going to occur. Then they began cheering once the lights shut off, a velvet curtain draped the entrance ramp. And then with a loud noise a bright white spotlight shone on it, displaying the shadows of a young woman. Who readied her fans as Baile De Batalla blared out the speakers, Eliza stepped out to a very loud pop as lights of cameras flickered to show pics were being taken.

With her well documented refined grace Eliza performed her dance, moving to the dubstep mixed with Spanish guitars. Until the song hit the 0:50 mark where Eliza would spin 180 degrees and face the entrance ramp to greet the champ, once he appeared the dancing passion would make her way to the squared circle with him to wait the tag champs.

Last edited by Deus001 on Sun Sep 11, 2016 10:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Tension Tag Title Match: Eliza & Clyde vs WhiteGale (c) - The best of the best! Empty Re: Tension Tag Title Match: Eliza & Clyde vs WhiteGale (c) - The best of the best!

Post by Lobo Tue Jul 26, 2016 6:53 pm

Clyde was a little... Shy about having Eliza in his dressing room but played it off as he got his denim vest on, clad now in his ring attire as he looked to Eliza who was going out first. He was very excited to say the least. He had fought for the tag titles before and was looking foward to holding two titles and share one with his best friend. He knew they could pull it off.

"Let's kick some butt, girl." Said the cowboy as he lifted the Tension title on his shoulder and followed Eliza to the gorilla position, letting her go out and preform her entrance, preforming her enticing routine before pointing at the stage... Prompting Clyde's theme to suddenly play.

"Heavy Is The Head" by the Zac Brown Band suddenly began to play and Clyde Gastin emerged on stage, wearing his long black wrestling tights with matching pads and boots, as well as his cowboy hat, along with the Tension title draped over his shoulder.

With an arm around Eliza, Clyde followed her to the ring, high fiving fans along the way before hurrying past Eliza to sit on the ropes and hold them open for Eliza to enter before Clyde followed her inside, standing beside Eliza as he waited for the tag champs to appear.

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

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Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Tension Tag Title Match: Eliza & Clyde vs WhiteGale (c) - The best of the best! Empty Re: Tension Tag Title Match: Eliza & Clyde vs WhiteGale (c) - The best of the best!

Post by Maxy Wed Jul 27, 2016 6:35 pm

Even though this was an unexpected turn of events, one could argue this was also an opportunity for the three of them. It was only a matter of time before the belts had to be defended and just like how they won them they were going against tough opponents. In addition to that, this would give Lina a chance to scout both Clyde and Eliza in person. She’s seen them before, but not this close. She highly doubted they’d need her services, but anything she observed today would become very useful down the road to anyone who does.

As they were preparing they were joined by Lita, the leader of their group. She liked how Lina handled things out there, as well as the duo’s reaction. She was little bit concerned that Sion hasn’t been in the ring since the ladder match, but judging from what she saw before he looked to be alright and getting in the mood. Daisuke’s been busy dealing with other in-ring matters so there were no concerns there.

Just like last time Sion and Daisuke teamed up together, the four of them headed down to the ring as a group. The only difference this time however was Sion and Dai’s waists had the golden belts around them. When she first heard about the match Lita wasn’t planning on going out there, she could have supported the group from afar without problem. Watching from the table however gave things a different perspective, plus for some reason she liked the chairs the commentators used. Unlike last time she didn’t feel the need to be keeping an eye out for anyone nor anything, knowing the opposition didn’t have their own version of Lucy.

While they didn’t have as much time as Eliza and Clyde did to prepare for this, Lina was confident her team had enough and was ready for this when they stepped through the ropes. When it came time to give the belts to the referee there was some hesitation before she handed hers over. Sion asked the referee to give them a moment. “You alright?” Sion asked her quietly, to which she responds the same way “Yeah, it’s just…You know what we had to go through get these, and then this happens out of the blue. I mean I know stuff like can happen in this position, but what if something goes wrong?” “I get ya, but we’ll be alright. Besides as you said, we won these and no matter what happened we didn’t let up until we got ‘em. We just have to do it all over again, but this time we only need one try.” He tells her confidently. She looks at him and grins. “Damn right we got this” she tells him, also with confidence as she handed the belt over. She took things seriously, sometimes a little too seriously and would end up over thinking. Sion helped calm her and reminded her that they were there for each other and that there was nothing that they can’t handle together.

The little last minute delay wasn’t something the crowd liked as they were just as eager to see this go down, but seeing the look on Daisuke’s face when she handed the belt to the referee showed that it was go time and she was more than ready. The only question reaming was who would start for each side? Daisuke looked like she wanted to kick things off, but the two of them looked towards Eliza and Clyde to see what they would do before Sion would step through the ropes, in the event they called for him to start things off.

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Tension Tag Title Match: Eliza & Clyde vs WhiteGale (c) - The best of the best! Empty Re: Tension Tag Title Match: Eliza & Clyde vs WhiteGale (c) - The best of the best!

Post by Deus001 Wed Jul 27, 2016 9:09 pm

This was it, the opponents had made their way to the ring. Eliza never took her eyes off of them, she knew that once the bell started she'd need to do that in order to have a chance of winning those titles alongside Clyde. WhiteGale proved they were certainly a very tough team, but one couldn't deny the combined skill and capability that came when the cowboy and the dancing passion joined forces in the past and present. Eliza felt her heart, it beat strongly in anticipation of the coming battle. Eliza hadn't been this excited for a match since her return one where she donned the flamenco black, that said though she'd exchange a smile with Clyde to show that Ms Harenwood was good.

Once WhiteGale handed over the tag belts, the crowd would die down. The bell rung 3 times, which was then followed by an announcer talking in Japanese.

"Ladies and Gentlemen the following contest, is set for one fall! And it is for the Tension Tag Team Championships!"

"Introducing first the challengers. Hailing from the English countryside and Liberty, Texas. At a combined weight of 256 pounds. Elizaaaaa!! Haaarenwood! And the Tension World Champion! Clyde! TTTTTT! Gaaastin!!!"

With the calling of the names Eliza would give a very graceful bow, the crowd was giving a very loud cheer and applause. With the renowned names fighting together for the second time, combined with this being the first title defence of the new tag champs meant this was certainly to be marked as a potential match of the year. If not decade. Once the crowd had quietened down once again the announcer would continue with

"And introducing the opponents. They hail from Canada, and have a combined weight of 350 pounds. Representing WhiteGale, they are the Tension Tag Team Champions! Sioooon and Daisuuuuke!"

With that it looked as if the match was soon to be underway, Eliza leaned in to Clyde and muttered "It appears as if Daisuke is inclined to begin. Clyde as you are the Tension world champ, perhaps it's most suitable for you to begin. Though I will be fine regardless, remember what they're capable of." Ms Harenwood had watched that hard and brutal title match and that the champs were more than capable of fighting to the point of bloodshed, though it fazed Eliza not.

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Tension Tag Title Match: Eliza & Clyde vs WhiteGale (c) - The best of the best! Empty Re: Tension Tag Title Match: Eliza & Clyde vs WhiteGale (c) - The best of the best!

Post by Lobo Thu Jul 28, 2016 3:35 pm

Standing side by side with Eliza with his head held high, Clyde bounced on his heels as the the champs entered the arena. Clyde's eyes widened a bit the moment he saw the two and got a better look at them once they entered the ring.

"Holy crap, they're big." Clyde muttered as he looked at the two. Sion was tall and heavy and Daisuke was plenty stacked for a woman. Still! Clyde had fought bigger opponents before and sure as heck wasn't scared of the tag champs!

Though... He could have sworn he knew Daisuke from somewhere.

Soon, they handed the titles off and the announcer began to introduce both him and Eliza. The cowboy beamed with a wide grin and felt goosebumps on his arm, eager to compete for the tag titles once more.

When their names were called, Clyde removed his hat and lifted it and the title both high in his hands to the cheering crowd before handing off his hat and the title before facing the two Canadians.

"You want me ta' kick things off? Alright! Let's take home the gold, Eliza!" Clyde exclaimed, giving Eliza a high five before making his way to the center of the ring.

"IKUZO, BABY!" He shouted to the crowd before looking over to White Gale's corner and pointing at Daisuke.

"Saaaay... Wasn't White Gale a Friction Faction? I didn't know y'all folks were still around!"

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

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Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Tension Tag Title Match: Eliza & Clyde vs WhiteGale (c) - The best of the best! Empty Re: Tension Tag Title Match: Eliza & Clyde vs WhiteGale (c) - The best of the best!

Post by Maxy Fri Jul 29, 2016 8:27 pm

Just as Lina was in the process of leaving the ring she heard Clyde's comment about the group as a whole. Even though the question was mostly directed towards Daisuke, Lina turned to him and tells him "You could say that yeah. Things are a bit different now though." She didn't want to expand beyond that as now wasn't the time for that as the match was about to start and Dai was waiting for the bell to sound so she didn't want to get Daisuke's train of thought distracted if it could be helped, even though there was no harm meant by Clyde's question. Lita was already seated at the announcers' table when Lina and Clyde began talking. Her boyfriend Yamato was also given membership to the group, as was his sister Mariko. As it was clearly seen here the group was closely knit, but they knew when the keep their distance if others wanted it. Things weren't always good back then for the group, but with their comeback Lita wanted to give them a new beginning, and despite some hickups along the way things were going alright for them.

Indeed it would Daisuke kicking things off for their side. During the introductions she saw Clyde hold the belt that he was in possession of up. which she was a bit jealous of. She kept aiming for singles success and while he record was decent and she could very much hold her own, anytime she had a chance to take the next step something would go wrong, whether it be just bad luck or she screwed up. Even with that thought she was still proud of what she has accomplished as a whole. Holding one half of the tag team championship was a very big deal, not just because of who they beat but who she won it with. Sometimes she would have to be reminded of that, and looking back at how many times they faced Ryan and John, the fact both she and Sion didn't give up and wouldn't let the other do the same, that help build her confidence when for others it could sink. It also helped she had more good teammates and management backing her. While they were belt-less for their introduction as the referee took them a little bit early, to hear the word 'champion' and her name in the same sentence felt very rewarding. She knew of an old saying however that it is harder to hold onto a championship than it is to win it. To get to this point was one hell of a climb, which when Sion climbed to pull down the belts in the ladder match, the former champs' fall from the top was both figurative and literal. Being in the challenger role before she knew what could be if one was determined enough. She wasn't sure of Eliza and Clyde's connection but something had to have brought them together. After Lina finished her reply to Clyde, Daisuke gave Clyde a small shrug in the event what Lina said didn't satisfy him. If Clyde wanted to talk more about it later that be fine, but she came her to wrestle. After all he and Eliza were the ones that called them out. After shrugging at him she looked like that the time for talk was long gone, she wanted to get things going.

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Tension Tag Title Match: Eliza & Clyde vs WhiteGale (c) - The best of the best! Empty Re: Tension Tag Title Match: Eliza & Clyde vs WhiteGale (c) - The best of the best!

Post by Lobo Fri Jul 29, 2016 8:32 pm

Clyde could barely hear Lina as he kept his eyes solely on Daisuke. When Lina finally left the ring, Clyde circled around with Daisuke, keeping his hands high while a grin stretched over his face.

"Saayyy... Didn't me and you make out, too?" Clyde teased before lunging in for a collar elbow tie up, feinting as the last second to try and slip behind Daisuke and get is arms around her back for a wait lock from behind! Resting his cheek against the bigger girl's tight back as he put the pressure on her waist.

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

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Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Tension Tag Title Match: Eliza & Clyde vs WhiteGale (c) - The best of the best! Empty Re: Tension Tag Title Match: Eliza & Clyde vs WhiteGale (c) - The best of the best!

Post by Maxy Fri Jul 29, 2016 8:59 pm

As she went to tie up with him she head what she said and it froze her up momentarily. Not for long but enough for Clyde to get complete control of the lockup and slip behind her with ease. Him going behind her for the waist lock snapped her back to reality and she growled at him and quickly said "That's dirty" as she tried to pull free from his grasp, not wanting him to get the better of her by bringing that up in the opening moments of an important match.

Even though he didn't hear what was said, Sion knew of what Clyde spoke of and it wasn't something that bothered him. He did see Daisuke freeze up and that looked concerning to him as Daisuke was a focused one and she looked pretty much so before the bell sounded. Lina noticed it too and wondered if something was wrong.

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Tension Tag Title Match: Eliza & Clyde vs WhiteGale (c) - The best of the best! Empty Re: Tension Tag Title Match: Eliza & Clyde vs WhiteGale (c) - The best of the best!

Post by Lobo Fri Jul 29, 2016 9:10 pm

"Last I check you were the one that was dirty!" Clyde shot back with a teasing grin, struggling against Daisuke's grip as he squeezed her waist to keep her tied up before he bent his knees, grunted and then lifted with all he had to try and dump Daisuke on her shoulders for a German suplex!

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

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Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Tension Tag Title Match: Eliza & Clyde vs WhiteGale (c) - The best of the best! Empty Re: Tension Tag Title Match: Eliza & Clyde vs WhiteGale (c) - The best of the best!

Post by Maxy Fri Jul 29, 2016 9:18 pm

"C'mon now's not the place for this."  This was starting to get on her nerves.  As Clyde lifted Daisuke up for a german suplex, Sion had the feeling there was more to this than what he was seeing. He could see their lips moving but couldn't make it out.

Lina was a bit more alarmed than Sion was. Sure anyone could be put in a move like that early on, but something was going on and she wanted to get to the bottom of it.  She made a small gesture towards Sion to get Daisuke out of there asap as Dai made contact with the canvas after Clyde took her up and over. After laying across the canvas for a couple seconds she would look to roll towards the ropes on the side Lina was on.

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Tension Tag Title Match: Eliza & Clyde vs WhiteGale (c) - The best of the best! Empty Re: Tension Tag Title Match: Eliza & Clyde vs WhiteGale (c) - The best of the best!

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