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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Hentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes

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Hentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes Empty Hentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes

Post by Kelsea Sat Jan 30, 2016 7:18 pm

Hentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes ZO78ynIHentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes O153PGX
Belle B. Barker
Valerie Von Vulpes

The Lumberjacks:

Match: Hentai Hardstyle Lumberjack match
Special Conditions: The Lumberjacks can attack and/or hentai any wrestler that falls outside the ring
Victory Conditions: Winner will be the wrestler who can force her opponent to cum

Melissa Sellers had announced how the Tension hentai title would be decided... A Hentai Hardstyle Lumberjack match with a number of the previous applicants surrounding the ring. It would now be up to the chosen ones, Valerie and Belle, to impress the GM under the difficult situation. All the lumberjacks were already surrounding the ring, waiting for the two girls to make their entrance

The new and improved: Kelsea's Karacters

Hentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes ELZuoMvHentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes OG5hnuaHentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes Cg3CzYmHentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes 398g342

Prepare your face for ThE BRaT PaCK
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Hentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes Empty Re: Hentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes

Post by KillerV Sun Jan 31, 2016 1:36 am

Valerie Von Vulpes, her first Tension title match ever that she is finally being recognized that allowed her to get her chance for the belt, and the type of match and the kind of title belt it is, its the Tension Hentai title belt, just thinking about it makes her purred in her own locker room getting ready for the match up. Already looked up who the girl is and amusing enough, her name is Belle B. Barker.... BBB, like Valerie Von Vulpes.... VVV.

"BBB vs VVV- Tension Hentai title belt match? Mmmmm I cant wait to play with her~ Ohhhhhh and others too~"

She just remembered its not just typical hentai match, its a lumberjack too, anyone falls out of the ring will get.... well.... really wrong and dirty things going to happen to them. Valerie in her mind wanted to jump out often just to get molested by the lumberjacks that she would so enjoy it so much. But the main focus is she needs to win the match and claim that belt for herself, going to be a great one.

"Ready to go~" Stood up in her black top with golden trims and with her bottom part, wearing tight short shorts with similar colors and design, matching for the boots as well. Coming out with her music playing, its called 'V (Conclusion)-DJ TAKA, fits so well for her actually as she comes out posing to pushes her silver white hair behind her and gentle slide her hands beside her busty breasts and slide up to drift off, bringing her hands out posing like a 'V' shape with her arms. "Hello everyone~ Ready to watch us and play?~"

Valerie strutting down the ramp with her busts shifting side by side, jiggling up n down, swaying her large ass that isnt too big but just right for the people to called em 'booty'. Coming up to the ring to stand in front with the ramp behind her, turning to look each sides where the lumberjacks waiting outside the ring, she smiles and winks at them before reaching the ropes to pull herself up, stepping in between the middle and top ropes to get inside.

Finally, Valerie would move to the center of the ring turning to look at the stage as she stretching out her arms up, shifting her hips side by side waiting for Belle to come out and play with the busty Romanian woman, whom love to play no matter whats going on. "Come out come out~"

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Hentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes Empty Re: Hentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes

Post by Tatyina Sun Jan 31, 2016 9:06 am

The twang of Belle's entrance theme followed shortly after and out from the backstaged popped the Oklahoman cowgirl. She was dressed up in her cowprint bikini and skimpy jeans, weird half shirt, tie and leather vest and had the biggest grin on her face. She was holding in one of her hands a coiled length of rope and she quickly began to skip down the ramp, stopping before the ring and looking at all the men gathered around.

"All ya fellers just for us gals?!" She said. "An here I thought Missy didn't care fer real dudes like yerselves! I'd say this front row seat ya got sure is a real treat!"

Belle did a trot around the ring, taking a look at each man before she stopped in front of Leo. She winked at him and then lifted the rope up and adorned it around his neck like a wreath.

"Now, why don't ya be a gentleman an hold onta this fer me?"
She said and lifted up her hand. She kissed her fingers and then patted Leo's cheek and backed up until her butt mushed against the ring apron. She then lifted her leg and rolled in. She popped up to her feet and finally looked over her opponent.

"I don't think we had the pleasure." Belle said, pushing out her chest. "Belle B. Barker! I'm the gal whose gonna kick yer tail all over this ring!" She marched forward and extended her hand. "But don't worry, I'll leave ya feelin real good when all's said n done! Yer real sexy though. Exotic lookin as all git! I like it!"

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Hentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes Empty Re: Hentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes

Post by Kelsea Sun Jan 31, 2016 9:54 am

Leo eyed the girls in his usual way as they made their entrances... When Belle started to come his way, he wondered idly if she would make note of him as one of the lumberjacks (considering what happened the last time they met) or if she'd ignore him in an attempt to play down what happened. It seemed she chose the former though, as she came over to him all playful like.

"Y'know I'm still hurt from the other day..." He said with a fake pout on his lips as she touched his cheek with her fingers "Might need someone to kiss it better later, like you said..." He pulled the rope up off from around his neck, chuckling faintly as he looked down at it in his hands.

"Should you fall out or something..." He said, indicating that he might focus advances on Belle should he have the chance. In reality he didn't have that much favouritism between them, although he didn't have quite the 'intimate' conversation with Valerie as he had with Belle during the application process... He still remembered well the fact that Valerie had been the one to put a blemish on his record with a rather sexual victory over the him.

He was more than keen to jump on either of them if he had the chance.

The new and improved: Kelsea's Karacters

Hentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes ELZuoMvHentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes OG5hnuaHentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes Cg3CzYmHentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes 398g342

Prepare your face for ThE BRaT PaCK
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Hentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes Empty Re: Hentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes

Post by KillerV Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:40 pm

Valerie standing in the ring looking around to check out the cute boys just waiting to get their paws on her whenever they get a chance, she wouldnt mind at all with all those guys can do whatever they please. Then shortly after she checking them out, though she notices one out of the bunch and seeing that Leo guy, she vaguely remember him but maybe she'll have to talk with him up close and personal during this match when, if when she gets thrown outside of the ring.

Then her opponent music is playing as the girl comes out, looking like a skimpy cowgirl coming down to the ring until she flirts with that guy she looked at bit more carefully, then Belle comes in the ring taunting Valerie saying she would defeat her and getting erotic, that made Valerie all warm inside. "My arent you a spunky one~ Its please to meet you Belle.... Valerie Von Vulpes~" She reaches out taking the offer of her handshake.

"I hope you treat me well with those promises~ I dont want to be disappointed now~ Lets have some erotic fun shall we?~" She would break off and scanning Belle lovely body, just thinking about her body and where would her own hands would come in for the touch, just now awaiting for the bell and this match start it.

KillerV- Character Select

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Hentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes Empty Re: Hentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes

Post by IndigoDragon Mon Feb 01, 2016 6:29 am

In one way, Jay was a bit glad that he wasnt directly in the ring. In another way  however, all of the tactics and moves he had thought through would probably not be of much use to him as a lumberjack. Standing at his side of the ring, he looked around. Everyone received a glare from him. He really only recognized the gray-haired man and the blond man....Or woman. It was hard to tell still. He wondered if any of them bothered to do research. He hoped not, rather wanting to stay a mystery to everyone.

Though, he also recognized the first woman to step out. She would catch Jay's eye very much so. Chest and hair color mainly. But she would still receive the man's glare. Everyone here was questionable, himself included. And he wasnt going to take any chances. The second woman who he had never seen before would soon appear as well. Trotting around the ring to take a look at the four lumberjacks.

Jay again hadn't worn the cat rail or ears. Just all black attire. He had to at least look like he would be dangerous if one of the women happened to fall into his rather inexperienced hands...

To be edited soon.....

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Hentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes Empty Re: Hentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes

Post by Tatyina Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:57 am

"The spunkiest! An don't worry yer pretty lil head off, I'll treat ya, fer sure." Belle said, gripping Valerie's hand firmly and giving it a hearty shake. "Can't say it's all gonna be well, but it'll work itself out."

Belle backed away, her butt shaking a bit as she crouched. Even though she had been in a match already technically this would be her first one with a proper bell. She was excited. So, when it rang, the Oklahoman darted from her corner, throwing her hands up to try a traditional collar-elbow tie up with the slightly taller Eastern European.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Hentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes Empty Re: Hentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes

Post by KillerV Tue Feb 02, 2016 8:43 pm

"Mmmmm I like finding out whats going to happen to me~" she purrs at her opponent while shaking her soft small hand, so nice to the touch. "Lets play~"

She breaks up the handshake, backing off so both wrestlers get a good distance from each other before the bell rings to start off the match, surrounding by the Tension male wrestlers, the ring ropes, the whole crowd, and just Valerie and Belle to start the match off.... oh the referee too keeping their eyes on the two competitors.

Belle looks like shes coming in looking for a lock up with Valerie, she purrs and does the same coming for her to bring her hands up to come close and placing her hands on the shoulders to the slightly shorter of the hot cowgirl. Valerie eyeing to her own eyes with a slight smirk, enjoying everything shes doing and hope the match and everyone is having some fun. "Mmmmmm~" she tries to move her hands under Belle arms to pushes up allowing the busty Romanian to slip behind her opponent to hold her not by hugging her slender waist, but moving her hands under her armpits, bringing her hands up to hold that 'milk jugs' of Belle to firmly squeezing the pair, just to enjoy a little bit of erotic there.

KillerV- Character Select

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Hentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes Empty Re: Hentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes

Post by Deus001 Tue Feb 02, 2016 8:57 pm

Leon had one thing on his mind at all times, whatever he was doing. Was it going to be fun or not, hedonistic to be sure. Titles didn't really bother him, after all he was rich and well off. To be honest if he wanted to see two women wrestle each other sexually odds were he could just watch that other show, Friction or whatever it was called. But still this was a front row seat pretty much, and he might even get the chance to "Motivate" the actors involved.

Though the Frenchman had to admit he was a bit miffed by the fact that the cute little Irene wasn't present, though at least she wasn't in this match. Not that Leon had a problem with seeing that woman naked, he had done so and even had the luck of spending the night with her too. That was one to remember most certainly. It's just Leon wasn't interested in seeing Irene hurt, like that match she'd been in over in friction. She didn't seem to show though, too bad.

As usual Leon was dressed in his crimson red outfit, he had several copies of this in fact. It was his favourite outfit, his blonde hair done in the manner that made him appear like a woman to some. A joke that he often relished in using. Leon had been checking his phone and social media while leaning on an iron corner pole, but the match had seemingly started now. The Frenchman pocketed his phone and looked into the ring from where he was with his arms folded, time to see if bothering to show up for this was going to fun or not.

Check out my wrestlers here, but PM me for match requests.

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Hentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes Empty Re: Hentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes

Post by Tatyina Wed Feb 03, 2016 7:44 am

Belle was certainly pushing with all of her might when she locked up with Valerie. She wanted to force the girl backwards into the ropes. Her mind had been made up that she was going to wrestle.

So when Valerie adjusted her position, Belle followed, but when Valerie moved behind her, Belle stumbled, allowing the woman to get right against her. Her eyes widened when the attack was right at her fairly exposed chest.

"Nnnnn! Tarnation ya sure work fast..." Belle said, rolling her shoulders back to push her chest into Valerie's hands. She leaned her head back and her eyes fluttered. Her lips formed a wicked smile as she nestled against Valerie's head as though she might just let the Romanian do whatever she wanted.

After another sultry exhale, she tilted her head back forward and then snapped it backwards as hard as she could, looking to smack the back of her skull into Valerie's head or nose.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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