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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Kawaii Title Series Match #1 - Schoolgirl Spanking Match

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Kawaii Title Series Match #1 - Schoolgirl Spanking Match - Page 9 Empty Re: Kawaii Title Series Match #1 - Schoolgirl Spanking Match

Post by Daaharu Mon Jul 27, 2015 8:46 pm

Claire kicked her leg as hard as she could, letting the limb flail through the space between herself and Tsukasa to try to force the Japanese girl to keep her distance. Claire knew that she was still in no position to actually fight back. She was disoriented, still only barely conscious. All of her actions were instinctual, and they were desperate. And they did not have nearly enough power behind them to stop Tsukasa from taking advantage of Claire in her poor state. Tsukasa just dodged or deflected the kicks, then got close enough to grab onto Claire's hair.

"Gaaahnuh...l-let go! Let go of me!" Claire screeched, still kicking her legs, but there was no way for her to stop Tsukasa right now. She tried to pry Tsukasa's hands off of her head, but her arms felt like limp noodles, and she could not stop Tsukasa before the girl turned her around and shoved her forward, forcing Claire to go down onto the floor on her face and front, her butt sticking up in the air, perfectly exposed.

"No! NO!" Claire yelled, knowing what a bad situation she was in. Despite her exhaustion, despite her disorientation, she tried to crawl forward, and tried to kick at Tsukasa to free herself. She knew that, if she didn't get away, this was the end. But she hardly had any strength to fight her way free...

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Post by OmegaVan0 Mon Jul 27, 2015 9:17 pm

Successfully managing to spin around Claire by her hair, Tsukasa was ignorantly thankful of the adrenaline burst that shot through her body as she saw Claire's butt in front of her ripe for the wooden spanking. Sweet justice was going to be smack down upon Claire's butt as Tsukasa would reach forward to flip over the skirt to ensure that the only protection she had was her thin panties. Though in all reality, the paddle would've been enough to punch through the skirt. Raising the paddle with both hands, Tsukasa raised it up before swinging it as hard as she could into Claire's butt, starting off with the strongest hit she could muster.

But she wasn't going to be satisfied with one hit, she would then attempt to swing and spank the butt of Claire as many times as she could with the wooden paddle they spent the most of the match looking for and fought over. Now Claire was going to feel the reward of losing the paddle to the Champion.


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Post by Daaharu Tue Jul 28, 2015 7:11 am

Claire's butt was sticking up in the air, her skirt barely covering her bruised, already-red posterior. The skirt would not protect her for long. Claire had no way of fighting back now, as she was bent over in humiliating fashion, still dizzy after the near-knockout. Tsukasa had the paddle, and Tsukasa had control over Claire's body. This was not good at all.

Tsukasa flipped Claire's skirt, and Claire let out a terrified squeak, clenching her teeth in preparation for what was coming. She could get through this—she had to get through this.

But, when Tsukasa brought the wooden paddle down hard on Claire's rump, creating a loud, almost whiplike smack as it hit Claire's near-naked bum, the American kawaii girl could not hold in her scream. She hollered loudly, as excruciating pain rushed through her lower body. Her whole form convulsed. She almost felt like her butt was cracking open and bleeding after all this abuse. She tried to get away. She tried to start crawling in the other direction to escape from Tsukasa. She did not make it very far before Tsukasa spanked her again.

"Nayyiah!" Claire wailed, tears streaming down her face as she felt her rear end burning. The paddle came down on her butt again, and Claire's whole body would jerk forward with the hit. She was not going to be able to last for very long under such a withering onslaught. She began crawling again, as fast as she could—which was, unfortunately, not very fast at all.

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Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

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Post by OmegaVan0 Wed Jul 29, 2015 9:57 am

The loud smack of the paddle hitting Claire in the butt rang out shortly before Claire's screams filled Tsukasa's ears. Watching Claire writhe and squirm with the undoubtedly intense pain shooting through her butt and body, Tsukasa knew from then on victory was practically assure with the paddle as she brought it down on Claire's butt again to send another massive spike of pain through her opponent.

Claire was crawling away from her in a very slow pace, making it easy for Tsukasa to follow her at her leisure. But Tsukasa wasn't here to torture, she had gotten her current fill of revenge today with all of the nasty hits to the butt. Now she was out to prove what she said was true and that Claire was a liar by preventing her from scoring the three win streak she boasted about. She was the Champion and she was the one who was going to get that three win, flawless victory over her challenger.

Seeking to seal the deal with victory, Tsukasa would reach out to grab Claire at the back of her shirt, pulling up on it to bring her back as she got down to a knee. She intended to lay Claire over her knee and like a scolding parent was going to end her child's bad behavior as she would lift the paddle once more to deliver the hardest hit she could muster and force her rival and challenger to surrender and give up.


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Post by Daaharu Wed Jul 29, 2015 8:07 pm

Claire had to escape. She had to get away from Tsukasa as fast as she could, or else she was well and truly doomed. But her whole body was starting to feel very heavy right now, as she felt the paddle strike her rear end several times more. She tried to crawl away, but she was crawling far too slowly to escape. Tsukasa could keep up with her easily, and, when the champion got tired of chasing after Claire, she would keep Claire from crawling any further, grabbing onto Claire's shirt and pulling her backwards.

"Gaaaah-hhah!" Claire cried out, her hands scrabbling at the wooden floor as her opponent dragged her backwards. She tried to escape, but she was still too weak. Tsukasa dragged her backwards and threw Claire over her knee, obviously planning on spanking her to submission in humiliating fashion. "Noooooo!" Claire wailed, before the paddle came down on her butt again and made her scream in agony as tears flowed from her eyes.

"No! N-no!" Claire growled, even though she knew the situation was hopeless. Her butt hurt more than any part of her body had ever hurt before right now. She knew that it would be hard to sit down for a long time after this match. But she still didn't want to give up.

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Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

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Post by OmegaVan0 Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:39 am

Tsukasa gave no quarter to her rival as she got Claire on her knee, smacking her ass with the heavy paddle. Her opponent was crying on her knee, Tsukasa had a mercy bone in her and she felt a little for Claire putting her though this additional pain after fulfilling her revenge. But that bone had no influence on Tsukasa's mind set as she was focused on winning this match and rubbing it into Claire's face. Which was infuriating her when Claire refused to submit to her despite the terrible position she was in as she gritted her teeth in frustration, "Just give up dammit!" she screamed out at Claire as she would reach over to Claire's butt with her other hand.

Deciding that Claire needed the full amount of pain before submitting, she would attempt to push down Claire's panties and revealing her reddened and bruised butt. "I'm going to hit you one more time if you don't give up! I'm not going to stop!" she screamed, giving Claire two seconds to think about the offer before swinging down the paddle down on Claire's butt, again swinging with all of her might to try and break the spirit of Claire stubbornness.


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Post by Daaharu Thu Jul 30, 2015 10:34 am

Claire's position was now hopeless. She was slung over Tsukasa's knee, frozen there unable to move by exhaustion and by the terrible, all-encompassing pain that was emanating from her bottom. Despite the fleshiness of the human butt, severe enough abuse was going to hurt just as much as abuse to any other body part would hurt. And at this point, the abuse Claire had suffered was far beyond that terrible point where the pain overwhelmed her.

Claire was doing her best not to sniffle and sob, but tears were still rolling down her face as Tsukasa smacked her butt again. The champion obviously wanted to give up. And a part of Claire wanted to give up, as well. Her position was hopeless. But she was too stubborn to give up that easily. She still was holding out hope, stupid though it was, that there was a way out of this predicament. "N-no..."

Unfortunately, Claire would not get an opportunity to escape. Tsukasa would add to her humiliation, by pulling her panties down to render Claire's butt completely bare. Claire could hardly even be bothered by that, the pain was so intense. It was starting to take on a whole new level—rather than just the intense, surface-level burn, Claire now felt as though she could feel a deeper, simmering pain, one that was going to last much longer, that was not going to go away with a hot bath or an application of lotions. This was not good.

When Tsukasa gave Claire the option of giving up, Claire was considering it. She knew that there was no other option. But, before she could reply, she felt that wooden paddle smack hard into her butt cheeks, one more time, making her wail and cry a little louder. "Gaaanggh!! I give! I g-give up!" Claire would yell desperately.

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Post by OmegaVan0 Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:42 am

Finally getting the words that she wanted out of Claire, Tsukasa's eyes beamed with joy as she pushed Claire off of her knee and dropped the paddle. "I win!" she shouted out as she abruptly stood up, but as she did her hands immediately shot to her butt as it stung in pain from all of the abuse it had sustained in the match. But her joy of winning managed to dull the pain just a bit as she stumbled towards the desk she left her things at, grabbing the Kawaii Championship of of it as she rose it above her head. This match showed her why she was Champion, even though it technically wasn't up for grabs just yet, she still considered it her first defense.

Celebrating with the belt, she soon walked back over to Claire who was a mess on the floor as she stood over her beaten opponent with her chest puffed out and her title raised high, she would soon lower herself down to look at Claire, "Well well Claire, I won so you know what that means right?" she asked with a 'in your face' smile, although she was coming off as a sore loser; she felt that it was appropriate for what was to come next.

She was going to get the satisfaction of dressing Claire up like the big baby that she was.


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Post by Daaharu Fri Jul 31, 2015 7:55 am

Claire would not say anything as she was rolled off of Tsukasa's knee and onto the wooden floor. All that her opponent was going to get out of her after her submission was a soft "Ow" as her very tender, brutalized butt bounced against the floorboards. Claire was whimpering, doing her best to hold herself together and keep herself composed, trying not to allow too many tears to go streaming down her cheeks. Her backside was hurting badly. And she knew that Tsukasa was going to want to rub it in.

Of course, Claire was going to be stripped and put in the diaper that they had found in the teacher's desk. That was part of the match's stipulation. But Claire was not going to be happy about it. She was accepting her defeat as begrudgingly as she possibly could. If she had a chance to resist Tsukasa, she would take it, even in defeat.

Tsukasa grabbed the title belt and strutted around with it, mocking Claire. She stooped down to get into Claire's face. Claire refused to be a part of Tsukasa's post-match celebration. She was going to keep herself composed, and remain the more mature of the two of them. But she was not going to enjoy this. She would turn herself away from Tsukasa, refusing to even look at the winner.

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Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

Officially caught up to my AFW replies as of January 23, 2021.

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Kawaii Title Series Match #1 - Schoolgirl Spanking Match - Page 9 Empty Re: Kawaii Title Series Match #1 - Schoolgirl Spanking Match

Post by OmegaVan0 Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:24 am

Looking down on her rival, Tsukasa saw that she wasn't responding to her and curling away from her. Her lips curled into a frown, even in defeat her opponent was being a spoiled brat with not getting what she wanted, in this case the win. But it didn't matter though, because Tsukasa was going to get what she wanted and the rules backed her up in this as she reached down to grab the back of Claire's vest. "Stop being a big baby and accept the fact you lost!" she shouted as she would attempt to pull Claire up, intending to drag her towards the teacher's desk if need be.

She would then make her way towards the diaper and baby powder at the aforementioned teacher's desk with her opponent in her grasp, voluntarily or not, she would see to it that her opponent would be stripped and dressed like a baby.

Reaching the table she would try to get Claire on the table where she would have a much easier time stripping her opponent as she felt that a baby like her needed to have everything done for her, like a real baby. She would set down Kawaii title belt on the table, right next to Claire as a subtle insult to her rival with flaunting the belt and setting it right next to her as she performed the humiliating act.


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