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Champions & #1 contenders

Friction World Champion
Rebecca Tomko
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Hardcore 24/7 Champion
Yona "The Graceful Undead" Giovanni
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Bianca Garcia
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Iris Takahashi
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Giovanni "Gyro" Zeppeli


Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Icey Gym (For Ninja999)

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Icey Gym (For Ninja999) Empty Icey Gym (For Ninja999)

Post by furry4ever14 Wed Apr 29, 2015 1:30 pm

So far his first week here at AFW was proving to be an uneventful one with nothing to do and still waiting for his first official match to begin his career in the AFW ring and make himslef a household name on the mixed and tag team (If he manages to find a Tag Team partner he trusts) wrestling circuit

He was wearing his usual attire as he walked down the street to the tension gym, on that bright and sunny morning. 10 minutes later her was at the doors of the gym and entered before deciding which machine to start on....Should he work on his already muscular abs or his strong arms or perhaps even his legs. After pondering her went to ensure his abs were still rock solid as he made his way to the press and began.

It was quiet that morning and he was by himself wondering if anyone would appear......

Last edited by furry4ever14 on Thu Sep 23, 2021 3:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Icey Gym (For Ninja999) Empty Re: Icey Gym (For Ninja999)

Post by Ninja999 Thu Apr 30, 2015 2:07 am

“Ahhhh, another excellent day for a workout”, Asuka exclaimed. She quickly put on her yoga pants, with her favorite “One Piece” t-shirt, she just couldn’t work out without Luffy nearby, and to complete it all she grabbed her heavy bag gloves. She closed her locker and headed for the main gym. This was quickly becoming her favorite spot to work out. Even though she was relatively new to the area, she was always exploring and was lucky enough to find this place.

It was always quiet at this time of the morning and she sometimes didn’t mind a nice calm and relaxing workout away from the crowd. As she entered the gym she noticed one other person there already working out. She discreetly checked him out as she made her way to the treadmill for some quick cardio before the heavy stuff.
He glanced her way, and he was definitely built for this kind of place, he was very tall and she loved those beautiful brown eyes already. “Good morning”, Asuka said warmly, “my name is Asuka, isn’t it a beautiful day to work out?”


Ninja's Crew

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Icey Gym (For Ninja999) Empty Re: Icey Gym (For Ninja999)

Post by furry4ever14 Thu Apr 30, 2015 8:35 am

He was happily busy working, in the silence and emptiness of the gym, to maintain his muscular arms on the machine as he heard the door open and looked over. He looked over and saw a gorgeous woman walk in wearing an attractive "One Piece" They briefly made eye contact as he was looking her up and down.

He could not but help notice her skinny build as she made her way to the treadmill. He briefly paused and replied with a smile"Good morning. I was not expecting company this morning" As he admired her warming tone and loved her unusual Rose eyes "I am called Cody and yes it is a beautiful day to workout" As he looked outside the gym at the sun shining. "So what are you working on?"

Tension Roster:
Cody James

Sovereign Reign Roster:

Discord: furry4ever14#7217

Posts : 538
Join date : 2015-01-13
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Icey Gym (For Ninja999) Empty Re: Icey Gym (For Ninja999)

Post by Ninja999 Thu Apr 30, 2015 8:06 pm

“Today I am working on my biceps and forearms, after I do a little cardio. I have to maintain my build, so I am in here of the gym across town just about every day now" Asuka explained to Cody. "This is my first time seeing you here, are you from this area also or just visiting”, she asked. She could see that he was checking her out, and she definitely did not mind that, he was unusually good looking. “I am new to this area and just joined the AFW league, are you familiar with that?”, prompted Asuka.


Ninja's Crew

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Age : 33
Location : The Dark Side of The Moon

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Icey Gym (For Ninja999) Empty Re: Icey Gym (For Ninja999)

Post by furry4ever14 Thu Apr 30, 2015 8:28 pm

"Cardio is pointless" As he stopped what he was doing "These" Flexing his biceps "Have got me through many scraps" Proudly showing them off to Asuka. "Everyday? Well i shall look forward to seeing you here everyday shalln't I" Winking at her. "May I join you?" As he got on the treadmill next to her. He had to admire her eyes and hair, looking her up and down before starting the treadmill at a walk. "Yeah this is my first time in Japan" Smiling at her. "I plan on making Japan my home from now on" As he continued on the treadmill. "Oh you are new here too!" He said shocked. He was even more shocked to hear she gad signed up to AFW too "Oh wow! I only signed up myself a couple of days ago"

Tension Roster:
Cody James

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Discord: furry4ever14#7217

Posts : 538
Join date : 2015-01-13
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Icey Gym (For Ninja999) Empty Re: Icey Gym (For Ninja999)

Post by Ninja999 Fri May 01, 2015 1:03 am

“Yes it is nice to have big muscles, but what good are they if you run out of steam before the end of the match”, Asuka wondered aloud. “Sure, Cody, you can join me. Its always nicer working out with a partner, makes the time go faster and makes you push yourself more”. She had heard that a lot of the wrestlers from AFW came to this gym, so she was not too surprised that he was a wrestler, he sure had the physique for it. “Have you had any matches so far since you have been here?”, she inquired.

They were doing pretty good with the small talk, he seemed like a nice guy. Could definitely be one of her friends in the league. Too bad he hadn’t been around that long, she wouldn’t mind finding out some good info about some of her possible rivals.

After a quick 4 mile run on the treadmill she said “time to hit the heavy bag now, do you mind holding it for me, I can get a much better impact with my hits if the bag does not sway away.”


Ninja's Crew

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Age : 33
Location : The Dark Side of The Moon

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Icey Gym (For Ninja999) Empty Re: Icey Gym (For Ninja999)

Post by furry4ever14 Fri May 01, 2015 1:23 pm

"Well I have never had that problem yet as I get them before they even have a chance" A he picked up the pace on the treadmill. "It makes the training more enjoyable rather than doing it by yourself and besides gives you that extra push too as you said" He knew this was the gym for Tension but never thought about actually interacting with someone here, especially only on his third signed up to AFW. From her build he could tell that she was built for endurance.

"I have lost my first match yesterday actually, hence why I am here this morning" Looking glump "But never mind we learn from our loses" Cody was enjoying the small talk with this new girl and hope to make a friend in her in the league. He had looked up the data files of a couple of competitors in the league but not many "Well I know that a lot of the women wrestlers her are mean wrestlers but that is because I have only wrestled one so far" He laughed. "Yeah sure I will hold the bag for you" As he slowed the treadmill down to halt and eventually switching it off. " And perhaps we swap after with you holding the bag for me?" As he stepped off the treadmill.

Tension Roster:
Cody James

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Discord: furry4ever14#7217

Posts : 538
Join date : 2015-01-13
Location : UK

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Icey Gym (For Ninja999) Empty Re: Icey Gym (For Ninja999)

Post by Ninja999 Sun May 03, 2015 2:58 am

“Tell me about your loss”, Asuka said. “Who did you lose to and what could you have done to win it”, she questioned. She was always looking for information that could help for her to be a better wrestler and the best place to get it was from other wrestlers. Cody looked like a very strong guy, it would be interesting to know how and why he lost, she might be able to use it against him someday.

Asuka continued to hit the heavy bag with her punches. She was not hitting as hard as normal or kicking because if she ever ended up against Cody, she wanted him to think that she was weaker than she really was. “I wish I were able to hit this bag harder sometimes, maybe if I had muscles like yours then I would be able to really get some good punches in”, she said giggling, “What do you think?”


Ninja's Crew

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Posts : 285
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Age : 33
Location : The Dark Side of The Moon

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Icey Gym (For Ninja999) Empty Re: Icey Gym (For Ninja999)

Post by furry4ever14 Sun May 03, 2015 8:13 pm

"Well are you sure? I was a bad humiliating loos." Cody felt embarrassed and went bright red. "Well I lost to this girl called Mileena and I could have won by not giving in to her seduction techniques....not use to a woman using her womanly ways, especially in a wrestling match!" As he went even more red. "My tip is don't lose your concentration in a match."

Cody holding the bag "It does not look like you would use your womanly ways to win a match anyway" He did not really understand why women would use that in a professional environment anyway. "Oh i am sure you will be able to" As he just stood there yawning holding the bag "Go on try harder" He egged her on. Seeing her giggle "Well it does take sometime to build these puppies up to what they are now" As he let go of the bag and felxed his muscles again, showing them off.

Tension Roster:
Cody James

Sovereign Reign Roster:

Discord: furry4ever14#7217

Posts : 538
Join date : 2015-01-13
Location : UK

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Icey Gym (For Ninja999) Empty Re: Icey Gym (For Ninja999)

Post by Ninja999 Mon May 04, 2015 5:29 am

“Yes, I see what you mean, Cody, but if I had muscles like that I would lose my curves, and I would like to keep them just the way they are” Asuka told him.  She would use her womanly ways to win a match if that’s what it took, that’s for sure, but she would not let him know that unless they were in the middle of a match and he found out the hard way.

“Why don’t I hold the bag for you now, I want to see how hard you can hit”, Asuka said in a cheery voice.  She did want to see how hard he could hit, you had to know what your opponents were capable of so that you could prepare for it.  If she was ever in any tension bout she would need to know these things to get an edge on her opponent.  So far she had been doing strictly friction, and she knew that tension was a whole different ball game.


Ninja's Crew

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Whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger!!!

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Age : 33
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