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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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The long and harrowing road! (For Indigo)

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The long and harrowing road! (For Indigo) Empty The long and harrowing road! (For Indigo)

Post by Deus001 Fri Sep 05, 2014 11:20 pm

Mr Knight had been in the gym, dressed in his usual ring attire. It had been a while, since he'd spent some time with his girlfriend. The beautiful bunny girl known as Anampo Yatgra, seeing her in the hospital like that....Ryan shook his head. He didn't want to think about something like that, even more so considering when Lucy was injured a while back.

Add to that, Ryan and the UKE had been hiding. Training in secret, Mako and her Valkyries put his team on notice. They had been floundering, and the paragon of Britain knew that couldn't happen. Else one of the team could be permanently injured, so Mr Knight had brought the training to the extreme.

But today Ryan had given John and Lucy the day off, although he warned them to check over their shoulder just in case. For Ryan had a mission to do, and that was to help Anampo. The bunny had requested that Ryan help her out of the rut she was stuck in, Ms Yatgra had yet to attain a win if the young man's memory served him right.

And so Ryan had arranged for her to meet him here, he knew that Anampo was serious about giving it her all. The time had come for Anampo to dust herself off and rise out the ashes, Ryan would do his best to get her there. Far be it from him to not to, he was a gentleman through and through.

Ryan sat on a bench and fiddled with the leather gloves on his fingers, waiting for her. Mr Knight was looking forward to this, and then perhaps later they could just....sit and relax. The paragon of Britain couldn't always fight of course, he was still human.

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The long and harrowing road! (For Indigo) Empty Re: The long and harrowing road! (For Indigo)

Post by IndigoDragon Sat Sep 06, 2014 12:27 am

Anampo was on the fence about where she was supposed to meet Ryan Knight. She did tell him that she wanted to get better at fighting, and be able to come back with full strength, and a little extra. Her first thought was that Ryan wanted a sar with her. He reufused to tell her what they were doing. Her suspicions were probably right. But, Ryan wouldn't hurt her. Even if it was for the sake of learning.....Right?

The door to the empty gym opened. And a shy Anampo Yatgra revealed herself. It had been a while since she'd set foot on the AFW campus. Her last official match had gotten her a fractured rib and an ample amount of time to recover and feel well enough to show her face around here. The very shy girl slowly takes a few steps in, her mechanical rabbit ears drooping low and were floopy out of such shyness. She looked around quickly, trying to find Ryan.

The gym was so bit....How was she going to find him, evn in this empty place? And there.....There Ryan was. She smiles, Anampo slowly walking towards him. A smile slowly formed on her face, and she sees the gloves on his hands.... "H-Hi, Ryan..."

To be edited soon.....

HOME SERIES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Home X, Home X2: Goodnight, but not Goodbye
(There is no Home 9)

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The long and harrowing road! (For Indigo) Empty Re: The long and harrowing road! (For Indigo)

Post by Deus001 Sat Sep 06, 2014 12:50 am

Mr Knight was in his own thoughts, thinking about life. Wondering if he should take some time off, just leave Japan and go back to England. But he was cut off by Anampo announcing her arrival in the gym, Ryan looked up and smiled just as quickly.

The paragon of Britain walked over to her "Hi Anampo! Hello my baby, hello my honey!" Ryan sang out, sticking his arms gently around the waist of the bunny girl and put his head on her shoulder. A cheerful smile appearing on his regal features, in public he usually acted polite and calm.

But to his loved ones Ryan was a cheerful chap to be sure, he knew the importance of this to Anampo. But they were lovers, Mr Knight would ensure that the rabbit girl was happy. Ryan was careful, didn't want to test the ribs of Anampo just to be safe.
"So my dear rabbit, are you ready to work for your success?" the dashing Knight asked, quickly teasing the rabbit with a kiss on the lips.

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The long and harrowing road! (For Indigo) Empty Re: The long and harrowing road! (For Indigo)

Post by IndigoDragon Sat Sep 06, 2014 1:16 am

She smiles just a bit more when seeing him. Ryan was a person....No, he was a man that Anampo didn't ever need to fear for or be afraid of. He was strong, enough so to keep him (And her) safe. Anampo though....She just didn't know what to say. He was almost like--He wass her hero. She felt a slight tickle from him touching her hips. She was soon asked if she was ready to learn from him

She looked up and opened her mouth to respond. But, a quick kiss to her lips made her look quickly back down. She smiled with a deep red blush on her face. Burrying her head into his chest, she nodded. "Um, s-sure, Ryan..."

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HOME SERIES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Home X, Home X2: Goodnight, but not Goodbye
(There is no Home 9)

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The long and harrowing road! (For Indigo) Empty Re: The long and harrowing road! (For Indigo)

Post by Deus001 Sat Sep 06, 2014 9:35 pm

"Hmhmm, glad to hear it!" Ryan said cheerfully, using the chance to lightly rub his head into Anampo's rabbit ears. He was always amused by them, an endearing sight to be sure. Mr Knight never questioned it, as he was a gentleman of course. When Anampo was ready to tell him why, he would listen. Of course he knew that she had a Brother, and it would most likely serve the rabbit well to find him and at least speak to him.

The truth could hurt, but better to have done it and know what happened than to never have done so and keep wondering. But one thing at a time of course, first Anampo should sort herself out and then focus on that goal. After she proved to herself she was capable, and Ryan would assist her every step of the way as best he could.

"Right so before we do anything else, we should perform some stretching. I make sure to do the routines before any match, the last thing you need is to pull something at an important time." Mr Knight said as he let Anampo go and would move back a bit to flex his legs a bit.

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The long and harrowing road! (For Indigo) Empty Re: The long and harrowing road! (For Indigo)

Post by IndigoDragon Sat Sep 06, 2014 9:57 pm

She could feel him rubbing into her ears. She smiles and giggled a bit. Ryan was fascinated in her ears. The rabbit ones. Maybe because they fit her so well? Or maybe because he marveled at the technological wonders of Nick Solem. She looks up at him when he told her what they would be doing. Some simple stretches just to start. That's all. Hopefully, if they were to spar, he wouldn't put her in too much pain. But, Anampo guessed that should have to be anyway, just to get to know some holds and their effectiveness...

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HOME SERIES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Home X, Home X2: Goodnight, but not Goodbye
(There is no Home 9)

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The long and harrowing road! (For Indigo) Empty Re: The long and harrowing road! (For Indigo)

Post by Deus001 Sun Sep 07, 2014 10:04 pm

Ryan had done a series of different stretches, his elbows, kneecaps, hamstrings. Covering all the bases was essential, pulling a leg muscle could easily spell disaster in battle. Or worse.

But Mr Knight shook the thoughts aside, now was the time for improvement. To build upon the foundations that all people had, and forge anew and surpass the original limit that Anampo had gotten to. Of course Ryan wasn't going to place Anampo right into the deep end, he did that with John. Good old fashioned Spartan methods was given to the artist, and the results were sound. But Ryan gave that training to John because he was already competently trained, he spotted a diamond in the rough and polished it.

"Okay Anampo, before we move to proper moves and how to deal with them. Let's do some working out, to the treadmills my dear." Ryan would hold the hand of the rabbit and lead her to the nearest treadmill, to add some humour Ryan was treating it like he was assisting her into a carriage.

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The long and harrowing road! (For Indigo) Empty Re: The long and harrowing road! (For Indigo)

Post by IndigoDragon Mon Sep 08, 2014 4:19 am

She was a bit uneasy, but also did a few stretches. whatever Ryan did, she tries to copy him. Doing so, she could barely keep up or go as far as he did. While in the hospital, Anampo heard about him creating some sort of team. He recognized his sister, Lucy, but didnt know the other man. He seemed like a fearsome person....

Anampo looked up, and followed Ryan. When he tries his hand at something humorous, she giggled slightly and with a blush as she got on the treadmill. she remembered from her past, how Nick tried to teach her the art of running on all fours. she never caught on, and didnt understand how the hell he did it and was able to go so fast.

"Start it out at a good pace, Ryan. N-Not too fast, not too slow."

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HOME SERIES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Home X, Home X2: Goodnight, but not Goodbye
(There is no Home 9)

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The long and harrowing road! (For Indigo) Empty Re: The long and harrowing road! (For Indigo)

Post by Deus001 Mon Sep 08, 2014 11:09 pm

"Of course my dear, let's set it for a jog yes?" Ryan said as he got onto a treadmill next to Anampo, leaning over to press the buttons required.

Once the rabbit girl got into motion Mr Knight would start at the same pace, a jolly smile on his face as he did so. It occurred to the young man that he and Anampo hadn't actually trained together in the past, the thought was interesting to be sure. And Ryan knew that if Anampo was to succeed and get herself out the hole she dug herself in, then Ryan would be glad to assist her.

And as he mused on her rabbit ears it occurred to Ryan, the AFW was a weird place to be sure. After all his friend John had a girlfriend who was an albino, but the rabbit ears only made Anampo more cute. And when her training was complete, she'd be a powerful bunny. Mr Knight grinned as he thought of Anampo performing a dropkick on Jay Zokaro, well that could happen.

"So Anampo babe, has anything interesting happened to you since you left the hospital?" Ryan said, going alongside the bunny.

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The long and harrowing road! (For Indigo) Empty Re: The long and harrowing road! (For Indigo)

Post by IndigoDragon Tue Sep 09, 2014 5:06 am

She you can the jog when he started the machine. The rabbit tries to keep up with the pace that he set for her. Everything felt weird to her, sort of strange. Should never really trained with him before, so it was sort of an odd situation for her. Nothing bad was going to happen but, why was she getting such strange feelings?

Anamo turns her head to face Ryan as he asked his question. "Um, well. I-I met a girl who was admitted the day I was leaving. She also fights for the AFW. She was badly damaged, having gotten out of a brutal match......She was on a breathing tube." Anamo looked down for a second, remembering Tatsuki.

"A-Also, everyone visited me. Even Jay...."

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HOME SERIES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Home X, Home X2: Goodnight, but not Goodbye
(There is no Home 9)

Posts : 7500
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Age : 31
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